Chapter 4 - Truth

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Tom and yourself were waiting in the chamber. You were worried as you watched him. Over the year, you both had been sending the Basilisk out to try and kill a mudblood. Finally, you both had enough and that day you had teased Myrtle until she was in the bathroom, crying and no one knew it was you because no one talked to her. Now Tom was standing in a circle, drawn with his blood and was saying the spell over and over again. the diary was in front of him. That would be the item he would use to put his soul in. He said he did this once before and he wanted you to see it.  

'Please work.' You think. You couldn't make a sound or the spell could go wrong and he would be left without a soul so you made sure not to udder a single word, not in English or in Parseltongue. Suddenly Tom looked up at the celling and he screamed and you saw a bit of gray fly out of him and into the diary you gave him last year. You smiled and he fell to the ground, breathing hard. You walked up and helped him up. 

"I...No. We did it." He said. You smiled and the Basilisk came in, eyes shut like always. 

"I killed her. Killed her." The Basilisk said. You smiled and gave its head a pat. 

"Good. Now, go in and rest."  You says. It went into the mouth. You and Tom then left the chamber and you both saw the lifeless body of Myrtle. You both quickly run down. You both were the prefects for Slytherin so it wouldn't be questioned if you both were out and about. You both walked down the halls, making a circle. The paintings were still sleeping so neither of you were spotted. as you made your way around, you saw them pulling her out on a stretcher. You covered your mouth in horror, trying to make it look convincing. 

As they brought her around, going down the stairs, you leaned into Tom, not wanting to look. You and Tom both practice this many times to the point where even Tom said it looked real.  

"Tom, (y/n)." Dumbledore said and waved. You and Tom walked up, tears in your eyes. 

"Even as prefects, you should not be wondering around this late." He said. Tom gave a nod. 

"I know, but (y/n) had heard that Myrtal was crying and she was worried, wanting to bring her back to the dorms for safety." Tom explained. You gave a nod.

"I-I was worried. I-I didn't want anything to happen but...but we...This is our fault!" You cried and tears fell.

"Now now. This is no ones fault. Tom. Take her back to the dorms. In the morning, we will send everyone back home." Dumbledore said and turned. Tom walked with you and leaned in close. 

"That's was perfect." He whispered. You looked at him and smirked as you both walked to Hagrid. 

~The next day~ 

You and Tom were alone in the compartment. 

"Tom?" You asked. He looked from the window to you.

"Yes?" He asked. You leaned closer to him. 

"Forgive me." You whispered before you closed your eyes and kissed him. He did not kiss back but you didn't care. You then pulled away. 

"Why would you do that?" Tom asked in a curious manor. You smiled. 

"Because Tom, I love you." You say. Tom feels his lips and looks out the window. 

"I can not return the feeling because I can not feel it." He said and looks at you. 

"That is what you told me, is in not?" He asked. You gave a nod. 

"I know. I know you can never love me back but Tom, I can love. I will follow you. I will help make you the greatest wizard there has even been and together, we will eradicate the mudbloods and anyone that stands in our way. I love you and I want to help you." You say. Tom smiles. 

"I know. We have the same goal. Alright. I will let you love me but in return, you will do as I say." He says. You smile and nod, kissing him again. He did not kiss back, but it did not bother you because you loved him.  

Love stops nothing (Voldemort x Reader) | CompleteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin