Chapter 2 - Partners

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You walked to your potions class and sat down, looking around. You sighed.

'Damn mudbloods' You think as you see them. You could tell because of the 'wow' look on their face. You never know why people liked them. Purebloods should be the only ones allowed to know magic, along with some half and halves, but it was the ones that were raised in your world that you think should be aloud. You then saw your teacher walk in.

"Hello students. My name is Slughorn, your potions master. Now, before we start, I want to test your knowledge. Lets see. Ah yes, Tom Riddle." He says and moves to a boy. You watch.

"Why is Veritaserum tasteless and order less?" Slughorn asked.

"Well, so the victim doesn't know about it when it's slipped to them, or are you talking about what is used to make it?" He asked, pulling out the potions book. Slughorn laughs.

"No, you answered it perfectly. Five points to Slytherin." He says and goes to the front of the class.

"Now, today we all will be making a batch of the Veritaserum, also known as the truth serum. In the cupboard behind you are books. Now, I'm afraid that one is missing so Tom, please pair up with...(y/n)." He said. You sighed and stood. This Tom was probably a mudblood or half and half who read what is was on the train to Hogwarts. You knew every pure blood wizarding family and Riddle wasn't one of them. You move your things and sit with him as he grabs a book.

"Here." He says and holds it out. You take it and open it to the page. You both then read it.

"We need a few ingredients. Why don't you get the caldron hot while I get them." He said and stood.

"Or I could because I was raised in this world. I'm not going to fail just because you can't tell the difference between eye of newt and eye of rabbit." You say and walk. He watches as you walk before he sits and starts to get the caldron ready. You come back with everything you need. He is holding the book, re-reading it again.

"Here. Give me the book." You say but he pulls it away.

"I may not know much of this world but that's because I was raised away from it." He said. You glare at him.

"But I'm a half and half. My mother died when I was born and my filthy muggle father left her." He said. You looked at him. He didn't have a choice on the world he lived in. You sigh.

"Fine. Then let's see how we do together then." You say and as the class went on, you both worked well together and made the only successful batch in the whole class. The bell had just rang and you both had earned Slytherin ten points each.

"Your good Tom. You sure your only a half and half who never know about our world? You seem like a pureblood." You say as you walk with him out of the class. He nods.

"Yeah. What are you?" He asked. You smile.

"Pure blood." You say. Tom seemed to be fascinated by that and the two of you end up sitting next to each other all day, talking when you can. Right now, you both were in the Slytherin common room, sitting on a couch.

"Can you talk to snakes?" He asked. You shake your head.

"No, I wish." You say. He then speaks in Parseltongue. You look and smile.

"Tom, that's amazing! What did you say?" You ask.

"I asked if you wanted to be my friend. I never had a friend before." He said. You smile and nod.

"Well, I would love to be your friend." You say. He gives a small smile but you can tell something is off.

"Tom, you ok?" You ask. He frowns.

"I'm sorry. Dumbledore told me that my mother gave my father a love potion." He said. You were quiet.

"Because of that, I feel disconnected. Like I can feel something, but I can't reach it." He said. You put your hand on his shoulder.

"It might not be anything. Try not to think about it." You say but you knew what that meant. He would never be able to feel love.

"Come on. Lets head to bed ok." You say. He nods and you both head to your dorms.

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