Chapter 9 - Time To Shine

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You were sitting with Everyone, a smile on your face. Nagini's head was in your lap and Voldemort had the Muggle studies teacher floating in the air. 

"I had brought her her to Malfoy manor to set an example of her. You see, with the death of Dumbledore, we will now teach the students." Voldemort says. You smile at that. You wished you were there to see him die, but being with Voldemort was better.

"Who gets the honors?" Bellatrix asks, licking her wand. You knew she wanted to kill her but you hopped that you could.

"I was thinking Draco, because he did end Dumbledore's life." Voldemort says and you look at the young boy. He looked scared. you could tell he didn't want to be here. You  were also sure that he didn't kill Dumbledore but you had no prove. 

"Then I thought, why not give the honor you (y/n)." He said and you looked. 

"She was not only my first follower but she has helped me along the ways for years." He says and looks at you. 

"You are sad that you couldn't help bring me back so why not make me proud and kill the witch that is tainting the future minds." He said. You had tears and gave a nod with a smile. 

"Yes. Yes I would love to." You say and turn and face her. 

"If she can." Bellatrix says. You look at her. You knew she liked Voldemort. 

"What's was that?" You asked in an angry tone. She looked at you. 

"How many have you killed in his name?" She asked. It was true, you only killed two people, your mother and father. 

"I have done everything for him you little bitch." You Say. Bellatrix glares. 

"My lord, why does she get the honor? I have done everything for you also." She said. Voldemort looked at her. 

"It is not how many a person kills in my name. Its what they do for me." Voldemort says. Everyone looks at him. 

"Bellatrix, you are loyal, with that I have no doubt, but (y/n) here is more then just loyal. She was my first friend. My first follower. She was there when I made my horcruxes and she did it all without fear." Voldemort says and stands. 

"So, you will not disrespect her!" He yells, making her move back in fear, along with others. You did not move though. He then looks at you. 

"And you, my dear (y/n), will not antagonize others because we are all among for the same goal. If you do, I will not only remove you, I will kill you!" He yelled. You looked at him. Fear was not in your eyes. He could not scare you, even if he held a wand to you throat.  

"Yes Voldemort. I'm sorry." You say and look down. 

"I do not deserve the honor of killing this blood traitor." You say in a sad voice. You wanted to, but you made him mad and if he wanted to give it to someone else, you would not protest. 

"See, allow me my lord." Bellatrix said. 

"And I said no." Voldemort. 

"(y/n), I want you to have this honor. You are more then worthy of this." He says. You look at him. He smiles and nods. You smile and nod, looking at her. 

"P-Please..." she said with tears. you pointed your wand at her and your smile turned into a twisted one. 

"Avada Kedavra!" You yell and the green light came out and struck her and she fell, her lifeless body starring at you. You laughed. 

"It's been to long since I did that." You say and pick up Nagini. 

"Hey Nagini. Why don't you have a nice, yummy, meal." You say. Nagini slithered off you and up to her before she unhinged her jaw and started to eat her. You smiled as she did and reached, talking Voldemort's hand.  

Love stops nothing (Voldemort x Reader) | CompleteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin