Chapter 7 - Years

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You sit on the ground in a corner. You were looking at your mark and smiled. You felt it and longed to have him call you. you knew he would be back. He couldn't truly die. You didn't know how long had passed since you were imprisoned but it was all a blur anyway. You heard the door and looked, seeing the dementor. You laughed as it came and sucked your happiness but it was all for nothing. 

They could never take it all. Once it left, you looked at your mark and touched it. 

"Voldemort." You whispered and smiled. The mark was the only thing keeping you sane and happy. Without it, you would have lost your mind years ago. You moved and kissed your mark. 

How you longed to feel the pain that the mark gave you when he called for his death eaters. You could still remember the pleasure it gave you when he did it. You wanted to see him again. 

To feel his lips on yours. 

For him to call you. 

You started to cry and held your arm close to you. 

"Voldemort! Voldemort!" You cried out as tears came down. You missed him. You missed everything about him. 

Suddenly the wall in your cell started to crack. You looked and stood slowly. The wall the came crumbling down and the sea air rushed in. you walked over and that's when you saw him standing on a rock. You knew it was him. 

"Voldemort." You whispered. He lifted his wand, pointing at you and you felt something wrap around you and fling you foreword. You landed on the rock in front of him and looked up at him. 

"It is you." You say. He smiles and holds his hand out. You take it and he helps you up. You hug him. 

"I missed you. I knew you would return." You say. He had an arm around you. you look at him. 

"How long?" You asked. He looked at you. 

"fourteen years." He asked. You frown.

"It...It took them fourteen years to bring you back?" You asked. He gave a nod. You had tears. 

"I...I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have...I could have..." You started but couldn't finish as you cried. He was silent as you cried.

"That night. I followed you. If I didn't, I could have helped on bringing you back." You said. He put his wand on your chin and made you look at him. 

"Out of all my followers, I know you would have done anything and everything to bring me back." He said. You smiled at him. 

"That's because I love you." You say and you kissed him. It felt right. Yes, he looked different, but this was still the man you loved. As you pulled away, he let you go. 

"Come. Lets get the others out. I had Peter get your wand." He said and held it out. You took and smiled at him. 

"Lets get our army out." He said and pointed his wand. You did the same and together, you broke out each and every death eater, creating the biggest mass brake out of Azkaban the wizarding world had ever seen. 

Love stops nothing (Voldemort x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now