Chapter 3 - Chamber

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~A/N~ Italic is Parseltongue for the remainder of the story.

It was Christmas break right now and Tom and you were now fourth years. Back in the first year, you both discovered that the second floor girls lavatory held a chamber that could only be opened with a Parseltongue speaker. You both found it on accident, but it turned out to be a great hiding spot where you both could talk about mudbloods.

"I hate her too!" You say. As you sit on the ground, back to one of the pillars. The Basilisk was out right now, head by Tom, who was sitting by you. Tom told it to keep its eyes closed at all times when he was down here and Tom said he would never let it kill you. When you first saw it, you weren't scared of it at all. In fact, you were happy to see it.

"Same. Mudbloods shouldn't be here." Tom says. You nod.

"Yeah. They make the walls smell foul." You say and smile.

"Hey! I have an Idea. Why not use Bas here to kill them?" You ask. Tom looked at you.

"You could have her use the pipes in the castle." You say and smiles. He smiles.

"That is smart, but I think its best to wait till next year. If it happens now, then fingers would be pointed and it could be bad if someone sees us disappearing to nowhere." He said. You sigh and lean on the basilisk.

"Damn it. I want them gone." You say. The Basilisk moves its tail so you can feel it. You laugh.

"Thanks Bas." You say and look at Tom. Over the years, you got feelings for him but you knew he would never feel the same.

"Oh, Tom. Happy Christmas." You say and pull out a present. He takes it and opens it. He then sees a black journal with gold metal on the edges and on the walk was his full name.

"I put a spell on it. What ever you write in it, you can see so if anyone gets it you can know of it. Here. I can show you." You say and take it from him and open it. You take out a quill and ink and write something.

"Hi" Tom sees float in front of him.

"Woah." He says.

"It gets better. Use your wand and write something." You say. He takes his wand out and write out his name. You turn the journal so he can see it and it looks like ink is writing it.

"That's cleaver." He says and takes it.

"Thank you (y/n)." He says. You blush a bit.

"Your welcome." You say. He then moves a bit.

"I got you a gift also." He says and pulls out a box. You take it and open it. It was a knife. You look at him.

"I know you want to speak parseltongue. If we share our blood, then I can say a spell and that will give you the ability to speak it." He said. You had tears.

"You will do that? For me?" You ask. He nods and pulls out a knife also. You smile and you both make a large, but not deep cut on your hands and hold them together tightly so the blood can mix. He then says a spell and you feel something click in your head. He lets you go and wraps his hand. You do the same.

"Did it work?" He asks.

"I'm not sure." You say. He smiles.

"Hey, Basilisk." He says and its head lifts.

"Yes?" she asks. You gasp, hearing it.

"I can understand her." You say and cover your mouth.

"I can speak it." You say. He smiles.

"Now we are the same." He said. You felt your heart flutter at that.

"Y-Yeah." You say and lean on the Basilisk again. Your feelings towards him only grew stronger.

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