Chapter Twenty-three

Start from the beginning

"Huh? What's this all about?" I asked confused as the two tall guards walked in resulting in me backing up into the corner of my cell, still sitting down. One of them reached down and unshackled my wrists and I frowned in confusion. Were they letting me go?

My thoughts stopped when I saw the young boy from earlier today being dragged by two guards alike mine as he thrashed around violently. My brows crashed together in confusion, but things only got weirder as they went on.

One of the guards pulled a cable tie from his pockets whilst the other raised his gun, pointing it directly at me.

"Put your wrists together and hold them out or we'll shoot you right here, right now," the guard with the gun demanded.

I didn't say anything, I just followed the instructions I was given. The moment I raised my touching wrists up, the guard with the cable tie locked them together with the plastic. I watched as more prisoners were brought out from their cells. They were all just as confused as myself, all except the boy from earlier who looked scared out of his mind.

Was this the games he was talking about? Professionally, the guard unlatched the metal from my ankles and he forced me to my feet.

"Walk," the one with the gun said pushing me slightly with the tip of the large rifle.

Both guards placed their gloved hands on the lower part of my back and urged me to walk out of my cell and down the corridor. I was the last prisoner waiting in what appeared to be a line. Cheers and shouts were heard on the other side of one large metal door. I did a head count of the people in front of me and their were about seven others, each with two guards either side of them.

One more masked guard walked along the sides, slowly placing a strip of different coloured duct tape on the sleeves and bare arms of the prisoners. I noticed the boy from before at the front, looking anxious as he gazed down at the gold strip of tape on the sleeve of his sweatshirt.

Eventually the guard reached me and he pulled out a fluorescent yellow roll of duct tape before he cut a strip of it off with a pocket knife and placed it along my bicep before walking back over to the door at the front. I gulped anxiously as I waited in trepidation. My gut crawled uncomfortably in my stomach. What on earth is going on?!

An echo of a voice could be heard on the other side of the door, as if speaking through a microphone. The cheers silenced as I listened intently to a woman speaking on the other side of the door.

"Welcome survivors, to the weekly games! As most of you know, every week we round up our prisoners and put them in the arena," the voice boomed excitedly.

Arena? Maybe it's like boxing or something? I didn't feel like fighting, not with my stitches.

"First of all let's call in our Golden Survivor! He has been the only one to win the games twice in a row. The only one to make it out not just once, but twice!"

My stomach dropped. The only one to make it out... that means everyone else in this position, or games even, didn't make it out.

"Here he comes!"

The large metal doors opened and the blonde boy from earlier this morning was pushed through them. I tried to peer out through the doors and see what was on the other side, unluckily for me though, I didn't get a single glimpse due to the fully grown people in front of me blocking the way.

"Here's our Golden Survivor! Only a teenager, who managed to beat everyone else in the weekly games!"

Beat everyone? When I try adding everything up it seems like we all have to fight with each other in there, like the hunger games or battle royale. I hope it isn't. With every last bit of hope I have I will wish it isn't a murdering arena.

Worry was building up inside of me, and before I had knew it I was at the front of the line. Soon it would be my turn to walk through those doors and face whatever was going on. No matter what it was, I was sure I was not going down without a fight, if it meant survival.

"-and so we saved our best for last. She definitely has potential, even though she's around the age of fifteen. 'Why do we think she's so special?' you may ask: well y'see she was imprisoned for stabbing the doctor in the medbay with a screwdriver. The poor man was lucky that she just about missed his liver and we wish him a sincere get well soon. Anyways, let's bring her in!" The woman sounded ecstatic as the she spoke.

The metal doors started to shift making space for me to walk through. Before, I even had chance to make a run for it, the guard pushed me by my back and the door started to close behind me, the two guards were on the other side of the now locked door.

I took in my surroundings. As I walked forwards I noticed the murky, ankle-deep water that I was standing in. It splashed slightly as I took each step forwards. The ceiling suddenly became higher as I moved more out from what seemed like from underneath a balcony. Once I was out in the open I noticed that I was right.

There was a balcony going around the sides of the room, about eight foot high and the rim of it had a large chained fence that went up to the ceiling and ran around the perimeter. Directly ahead, on the balcony I noticed a large table with nothing but a huge sand timer sat plainly on top. It hadn't been turned yet, for whatever reason it was there and beside it stood a woman speaking into a megaphone.

Underneath the part of the balcony where the table stood, there was another large metal door. This one was huge, bigger than the one I came in from. It was a creepy looking door. Another difference between the door I came in from and this one is that I most definitely did not want to see what was on the side of that door that looked so heavily barricaded.

Reluctantly, I walked to the clump of prisoners in the middle. Shouts of excitement roared from above and I casted my eyes from above again to see people passing money to guards who were standing by the fence.

"Personally, I would be betting on our little yellow down there; but I'm the host so I can't vote," she laughed happily.

Yellow? Was that me? I did have the yellow tag on my arm? Why are people placing bets like we're animals? I've never felt so small before, so isolated even though I was surrounded by people, not just figuratively.

My eyes caught onto a certain group of unimpressed looking people on the balcony. Jin, Hobi, Namjoon and Yoongi. They weren't placing bets, they were just watching my every move, worry painted across their facial expressions.

"Alright that's it everyone! No more bets! It's time to open the doors!"

A/n: So this chapter is one thousand words longer than all chapters before twenty one (1875 words rather than approximately 800), I've been working on making longer chapters. Please tell me if they're too long now and if I should make them shorter!

Who do you think the golden boy is? ¯\_()_/¯


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