Eren X Reader

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~Smile For Me~
Modern [AU]
It was your birthday and Eren - Your goofy boyfriend wanted to make this the best one you've had.

"OH [Y/N] DEAR~!" Eren called down the halls. You groaned. You were having an afternoon nap and every time... EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME!!! SOMEONE just HAD to wake you up...

"Eren..." You groaned sleepily as you rubbed your eyes and sat up in your bed.

"[Y/N]..." He mocked you, and he loved doing it... Fucking bastard... But you loved him for it. (The only reason you're swearing and saying stuff about him is cause you haven't gotten yo beauty sleep ;) )

"What do you want!!!!" You groaned as you slammed yourself back on your bed dragging your covers with you. Eren walked in with (Your Favorite Breakfast) on a tray. He smiled as he set it down on your lap.
"Eren you didn't-"

"Ah but I did." He cheekily smiled at you. "Happy Birthday Beautiful." He kissed you on the cheek and sat down next to you.

"Thank you." You said.

"No thank you for being in my life. And thank your mother for giving birth to you." He chuckled.


"Did you enjoy your day?" Eren asks as he looks down at you with a smile.

"Yeah I did. Thanks Eren." You look down at your feet while walking home.


"Huh?" You look up at Eren.

"Smile for me." He leans down and plants a soft kiss on your lips.


So there it is the first request done.
Thank You to
For requesting it. (If it wasn't you sorry my Wattpad is playing up...)
The line up so far isssss:
Natsu x Reader
Rin x Reader

~If I go and watch card fight Vanguard I think it is and Magi then there will beee~:
Alibaba x Reader
Ja'Far x Reader
Kai x Reader

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

Goodbye Have A Beautiful Night/Dayyyy

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