part 52

545 58 26

‎آهنگ اين پارت:
forgive myself/sam smith

Do you think of me when you're in California alone?
It's a lonely place at the best of times, Lord knows
I won't lie to you, I could have given you more
But life got fast, good things don't last anymore
Now and then you cross my mind
It takes me back to a sweeter time
But I let it go
I let you go
Till I wake up in the morning, you're all that I see
You run through my head, in and out of my dreams
Breathe for a minute, try and focus on me
But I can't think of anyone else
Now my heart is broken and I'm crying on the floor
And every part of me hopes you walk through the door
But you're not here, baby, and I can't love anyone else
Till I forgive myself
Did you lie to me when you said I was all that you need?
Guess we'll never know all the beautiful things we could be
Now and then you cross my mind
It takes me back to a sweeter time
But I let it go
I let you go
Till I wake up in the morning, you're all that I see You run through my head, in and out of my dreams Breathe for a minute, try and focus on me But I can't think of anyone else
Now my heart is broken and I'm crying on the floor
And every part of me hopes you walk through the door
But you're not here, baby, and I can't love anyone else
Till I forgive myself
Till I wake up in the morning, you're all that I see
You run through my head, in and out of my dreams
Breathe for a minute, try and focus on me
But I can't think of anyone else
Now my heart is broken and I'm crying on the floor
And every part of me hopes you walk through the door
But you're not here, baby, and I can't love anyone else
Till I forgive myself....

چند هفته بعد:
"اونطورى درستش نميكنن، باز دارى خرابش ميكنى ميشه بديش به من؟؟" لايرا با عصبانيت به ليام كه داشت به بدترين وجه ممكن مواد كيكو هم ميزد گفت.

"تو فكر كردى از من بهتر بلدى؟ ميدونى من چقدر ازت بزرگترم؟ ميدونى چندتا كيك خوردم قبل اينكه تو حتى بدنيا بياى؟"

"فقط خوردى بلد نيستى كه درستشون كنى! ميدونى من چندبار با مامان كيك درست كردم؟ همش دارى بد هم ميزنى بابا ميشه بديش به من؟ تروخدا!"

ليام با عصبانيت ظرفو داد لايرا و بهش چپ نگاه كرد

"اگه بدمزه شه پرتت ميكنم از خونه بيرون بچه از صبح منو مسخره كردى."

لايرا بهش چشمکی زد و شروع به هم زدن كرد. بعد پنج دقيقه گفت "ميشه حالا بذاريش تو فر؟ من نميتونم." ليام گفت "مگه خودت همرو بلد نبودى؟ به من چه؟"

"اما خطرناكه اگه دستم بسوزه چى؟! من ميترسم به فر دست بزنم."

"پماد سوختگى؟! تو خونه داريم."

لايرا تقريبا جيغ زد "بابااااا ميشه بذاريش تو فر؟!" ليام ظرفو برداشت و درحاليكه غر ميزد گذاشتش تو فر.

لايرا به سمت ليام رفت و گفت "بيا باهم كارتون ببينيم حالا. خودت بهم قول دادى."

"من همچين قولى ندادم."

"دادى. من به حرفت گوش كردم و شب بغلت نكردم، الان بايد به قولت عمل كنى."

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