chapter 8: the airport

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regan had no clue what she was in for.

"got everything packed?" pazuzu yelled from downstairs.

"yep!" she responded.

regan walked downstairs with two small suitcases. pazuzu was already standing by the door, and together they walked outside. they both stood next to each other and took a last look at the house.

regan sighed.

"i'll miss this place, hopefully someday i can see it again..." she lowered her head.

"i'm sure we'll be able to." pazuzu put his hand on her shoulder.

she looked up at him and smiled.

"let's get going."

they walked together towards the bus stop. pazuzu took his spirit form(wtf😀) and slipped into one of regan's suitcases to not be noticed. she sat on the bench at the stop and waited for the bus to come. about 5 minutes later, she got on the bus and took her seat. it would be a while from here.

the airport was about an hour away. countless people had come over to ask her where she was going, and everytime she just responded with "oh, i'm just going to my grandmother's house, my mom is already there." and was able to convince everyone.

while regan was minding her own buisness, pazuzu put together his human disguise. a young man, who would look similar to regan. he was trying to go for an older brother look.

before they knew it, the bus had stopped and the voice on the speaker had said "washington dulles international airport". regan grabbed her bags and walked out.

while she stood outside, she whispered "what now?"

pazuzu murmured something in a foreign language, then told her to just continue on inside.

"keep walking until you see a gate for a flight to manhattan."

so she did. she wasn't noticed at all, and nobody looked in her direction.

"pazuzu, how come nobody can see me?"

"i put an invisibility spell on us, they can't hear or see us."


she found a gate and sat down. pazuzu got out and sat next to her.

about an hour later they heard a boarding call for their flight. they grabbed their things, walked over to the boarding desk, flipped off the woman working there for no reason at all, and got onto the plane.

"there's a couple empty seats here in first class, should we take em?" pazuzu asked regan.

"oh definitely." she responded.

they sat down, put their bags down, and regan stared through the window at the city.

the plane was about to take off.

"sayonara washington, sayona-"

(no we aren't doing this)

"goodbye washington. i hope we meet again someday."

a demonic kind of love 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant