chapter 7: the escape

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every day was the exact same. wake up, get ready, stay inside, go to sleep. nothing new, just the same old dull routine. (ok i feel like thats a song somewhere i need to go find it)


anyway, about two weeks in regan started getting extremely pissed. she wanted to go do something, not just stay in her room all day. her mom was able to leave the house all the time, although not for long.

"regan i'm going to the store i'll be out for a while dont do anything stupid" her mom yelled from downstairs.


regan was now alone in the house. as she layed on her bed, she had an idea.

what if she secretly went downstairs to the basement and used the ouija board to summon pazuzu?

seemed like a solid plan to her.

so, she left her room and quietly walked downstairs to the basement. she made sure sharon didn't see her.

she opened the basement door and walked over to the table, where she saw the ouija board. she sat down, grabbed the planchette, and closed her eyes.

"pazuzu, are you there?" she asked. she felt the planchette move slightly, so she looked down and squinted her eyes.

she could see the planchette moving towards the word "yes", although she could see another pair of hands on top of hers. she widened her eyes and looked up.

it was pazuzu.

she gasped. "woah.."

"hi regan" pazuzu smiled.

"hi" she responded.

"hey listen, i've really missed you. i have an idea as well." pazuzu told her.

"what's your idea?" she tilted her head.

"well, what about you and i run off to new york?"

"new york is kinda far though.."

"we can sneak on an airplane and stay in manhattan. what do you say?"

regan was highly considering it. she loved new york and the thought of living there with him made her smile.

"okay. i'm in😋"

a demonic kind of love 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Where stories live. Discover now