chapter three: the confession

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regan watched captain howdy struggle to get his thoughts out.

"well really don't know how to say this but.." he stuttered.


"okay, okay...." he muttered.

"regan, ever since i first laid eyes on you, ive just never felt the same."

"my dude the first time you laid eyes on me you possessed me and made me give one of the exorcists a heart attack, you made me almost kill my mom, you made me puke all over my nightgown, you made me almost break my goddamn spine, you made me-" she was interrupted by captain howdy.

"yes yes i know, and i'm really sorry, i truly am. i'll do anything to repay you, really."

"uh ok how about you buy me a few star wars figures, a stretch armstrong doll, five pairs of tube socks, a wall telephone, a pet rock, a simon game, and a view master" regan listed off all the things that she had wanted.

"sure i'll get them to you in a week but i still have to ask you my question" captain howdy told her.


"i'm just gonna get to the point. regan, i love you."

the entire church was silent for a minute. even the people staring through the window were shocked.

regan decided to break the silence. "um.."

"will you recreate that titanic scene with me"

"captain howdy titanic hasn't even come out yet"


"captain howdy. you're like 1000 years old. i'm twelve."

"we could make it work, i could make you older somehow but still have you look and sound the same..."


regan was baffled and didn't know what to say.

"um sure? i mean i'm lonely as sh*t so like i wouldnt mind having a boyfriend"

"oh yay! i'm so happy!" captain howdy smiled.

regan ran towards him and gave him a hug.

"oh regan btw you don't need to call me captain howdy, you can just use my real name, pazuzu!"

"what kinda name is that"

"dont judge me"


a demonic kind of love 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Where stories live. Discover now