Chapter Twenty-One | Netflix and Chill

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Holland didn't normally go for a run mainly because she would never remember to get up before the weather turned too hot.

Though now that was no longer an issue. Today was a snowy mess but it was nice enough to run in central park. It was weird seeing it in real life when she had grown up looking at it in movies and TV shows.

Now covered in a thin layer of snow the air seemed crisper than normal. No one was really around compared to other days she had traveled this way.

Holland turned up the playlist of her favorite pop songs as she ran. They helped motivate her to run even if she didn't like the song the beets themselves were nice.

The feeling of the cold air on her face, the burn of her legs, all helped clear her mind.

She had always thought of running as a joke or just never put enough effort into doing it right and pushing herself.

Exams were coming up and she had to get her aggression out sooner rather than later when she blew up at someone for no reason.

She just had to remind herself they would be over soon enough and that she studied the best she could. Everything else was out of her hands, as she saw it.

She checked the time on her phone and started to head back to campus.

On the way back Holland talked with Venus. She was so happy after her art show Holland kinda thought she was on something. The last time Venus was this happy she was sixteen and the guy she had a crush on had asked her out.

It didn't work out, but at the time she was very pleased with herself.

The whole art show had gone way better than Holland thought as well, not that she doubted her sister's work, it was just she didn't think people would buy paintings with that many zeros.

When Venus got the money for them Holland thought she might choke.

Ember was simply happy about it, she was the only one who wasn't shocked.

'I told you it would be worth it,' she signed to them when she handed the money over.

It was definitely worth it.

The only thing it didn't help was Venus' ego, but she guessed that wasn't so bad.

"So didn't you go on the date yet?" Holland asked.

She had left that night with Carmon, Ember didn't seem all that surprised that the two hit it off. Ember even mentioned how it would be nice if everything worked out since Carmon dated a lot of assholes apparently.

"I might have another one planned as we speak," Venus chuckled.

Holland smiled then realized she couldn't see her reaction. "That's amazing! So you like her that much?"

Venus chuckled before changing the topic. It made Holland smile at how not only one of them ended up dating a girl, but both of them.

If things went the way they were, then the family events were going to be a treat to explain.

Holland unlocked the door and said a quick bye to Venus who was headed out to work anyway. Holland grabbed her things and rushed to the showers before she would be late for any of her classes.

Her hair was pulled up into a bun and she was in and out of the shower in no time. She always hated being in the bathrooms even on days like today where she was mostly alone.

She hastily pulled on her clothes once she was back in the comforts of her dorm and was glad to have the soft t-shirt on.

The winter was definitely there. It was kinda funny how she wasn't as cold when she was outside in the snowy air, then she was when she was getting dressed in the warmth of her dorm.

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