Chapter Nineteen | Voodoo

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Walking through the subway at seven in the morning was definitely an experience. Over the last week, Ember had been putting more work into her therapy sessions.

They helped.

It wasn't some magical voodoo that "fixed" her, but they guided her in a way. It was nice to finally have a want to get better, plus her therapist had been one of the few good ones out there.

Ember knew first hand that not all therapists wanted the best for their patients.

Today was like the other sessions this week and she was glad it was done and over with for this morning.

With everything that had been going on she had a sudden change in what she wanted to do with her career. Sure, she was still young and sure she had bank statements with more numbers than she knew what to do with, however, at the end of the day she wanted something to do till the day she died.

The thing that gave her daylight or her night stars-she didn't know what exactly it was. She thought about it for a while and when she brought it up with her therapist they were not helpful. Her therapist told her to go for it and to go with the calling she had.

See, not helpful.

Ember had three in total, normally it was two-sometimes one if she just didn't give a shit. Though this week she was busy working on something else as well.

The other day on her way to one of her classes she saw an ad for an art show. It then got Ember thinking about Venus and how she had such amazing art in her apartment.

It would be easy to sell if she was interested in doing so. One thing led to the other and Ember organized an art show, with Venus' consent of course.

[ I'll be there in five. ]

She texted Venus.

Ember was heading over early before she left for work. She wanted to know how many paintings she had and just how big they were so she could have them delivered to the place she was renting.

Venus Waldrop:
[ Alrighty! ]

Like last time Venus' apartment was covered in paintings. She had a few more new ones and it looked like she even finished a few that weren't done before.

"Okay so in total there are about forty, but I don't know about a few. They're more personal than the others so I was just going to leave them out."

'Wow,' Ember wrote on her phone.

"I might have had an art binge," she grinned.

Venus was in no way conceited when it came to her art so it was nice seeing her so proud about it. Rightfully so, her artwork was truly unique to her. She messed around with different styles and colors like most artists did. However, Ember thought her black and white portraits were her best.

There were some celebrities and some of the people she said she made up as she went.

'I think this will be perfect. They will be here this afternoon to pick them up, does that work for you?'

"Yep, I'll be back by then since I'm only filling in for someone today." She smiled. "Thank you again, if this turns into as big of a thing as you say it will be, I'll be happier than a southern person with sweet iced tea."

Ember chuckled when her accent became thicker saying the last part.

Before she left she wrote down the address for the building they would be sending them off to. They would be getting the stuff today and going through it to see where to put everything.

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