Chapter Six | Just Kiss Her!

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Holland's trial week was over and she was now officially working at Coffee Café. Holland was able to breathe a bit better knowing she was finally making her own money and even having somewhat of a schedule in her life.

The morning rush wasn't so bad by this time and even when there was a mass of students wanting to get their fixes it still wasn't all that hectic. So far, everyone seemed friendly enough to wait for their turns, and most even said "thank you" after receiving their orders.

Britney was out at her morning classes as Holland was left alone until she got back. The place was small enough there wasn't much pressure on only having one barista at a time.

"Okay, okay, you've had your fun. Now can you shut up we're here." The familiar voice chimed in from the door. Flynn walked in with Karter following him with an amused face.

Holland smiled at them.

"Welcome to Coffee Café, what can I get you guys?" She greeted them excited to see a friendly face or rather two.

Flynn mentioned that he would stop by some time but Holland figured it was just something someone would say to a friend, she was happy he seemed to mean it.

"English breakfast tea, nothing in it," Karter was the first to respond.

"Got it, and you?" Holland turned to Flynn.

He looked up at the menu once more before speaking. "I'll try the caffé mocha," he smiled, handing Holland their payment for the drinks.

"Coming right up," she grinned and got to making their drinks.

As Holland did so she talked with Flynn about one of the new games he was excited to buy, apparently, it was a limited edition that was going on sale soon but he wouldn't know until the day of.

"So you don't know until whatever day they email you?" Holland questioned setting their drinks onto the counter. There wasn't anyone behind them so she figured it wouldn't hurt to talk to them for a minute until someone came up to the register.

"Pretty much, they don't want people camping out for it? I'm not really sure why they decided to do it this way. I just hope I can get it in time."

"Well text me when you do, I want to see this game now," Holland exclaimed. He had been talking about the game a lot and it made her excited to see it. The graphics were something that she never paid too much attention to in games.

Sure she appreciated them but her main focus was on the story told in the game. Now, knowing Flynn Holland paid more attention to the little things she hadn't before, like the music, voice actors, graphics, and the overall feel the game had to offer.

"Karter," he pushed his cousin's arm to get his attention again. Karter was just staring off with a slight glare on his face. It was kinda funny to see a person zone out so quickly like Karter managed to do quite a lot.

Once he came back to them he thanked Holland for the drink.

"Laters Holland, don't burn the place down or harm the customers," he said in a low voice making sure the other people in the café didn't hear him.

Holland couldn't help but smirk at his comment. "No promises there."

She watched them leave then got back to work.

For the most part, the new job was easy, Holland still had some trouble with the coffee names since she never really drank the stuff even with the little cheat sheet left behind for her. It helped sure, but she still looked like a bit of an idiot when making them.

All Holland did was make drinks, hand over pre-cooked/pre-baked food, and clean up. She was a people person so the talking wasn't a problem with her like it was with some people. The overall atmosphere was something she didn't know truly existed, it was peaceful and the people went about their ways with respect.

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