Chapter Fourteen | Game Night

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The cab drive to Venus' apartment was fairly quiet between Holland and Flynn both of which only really talked about the games they were playing.

Holland wasn't joking about her sister's apartment. It was just as she said. There were several paintings put on the walls but for the most part, there was a stack of canvases along with an easel near the window of the living room.

"Welcome, welcome, my small home sweet home," Venus greeted them. She had slightly less of a southern accent than Holland did.

If anyone would see the sisters stand side by side Ember would never have guessed they were related. Venus was slightly shorter than Holland with curly dark brown locks, brown eyes, and a beautiful caramel complexion.

Venus hugged Flynn and Ember before hugging Holland and welcoming them into the apartment. Venus had drinks and pizzas on the kitchen counter.

Basically, it smelled like heaven.

"I figured we could eat then play some games," Venus said walking over to the kitchen.

Venus was the most perfect hostess Ember had met, even with the few events she went to, Venus had way outdone herself. The woman made sure everyone had enough food and their drinks were filled at all times.

Once they ate they went to play the games she had planned. She once worked at a store that sold custom decks of cards. So the bright sunflowers on the backs of the cards were her doing.

"Okay, who knows blackjack?"

Ember raised her hand as did Holland.

"I only know the very basics," Holland clarified.

Venus went over the rules for Flynn and they played a practice round so he could get the hang of it. Playing games with the Waldrop sisters was like watching a boxing match. They both were surprisingly competitive and both loved winning.

They all played a bunch of card games, one of Ember's favorites being war since it was a game Carmon and her loved to play when it was a slow day at work.

"What's that other game you said about?" Holland questioned.

Venus jumped up from the floor and walked off to what she assumed was her room. They had now retired fully to the living room floor. They all sat content around the coffee table, legs crossed and even pillows on their laps.

When Venus returned she had a white and teal box in hand. It was small and looked big enough for several sets of cards.

"Funemployed, I stole it from an ex," she laughed.

Holland took the box from her and pulled out the instructions as she read them out loud before explaining how they were going to play it.

"Okay, so we take turns being the employer-where you pick a job card and have to interview the rest of us and pick who you want for the job. The rest of us will pick four or so qualification cards that we then have to work into our interview. Got it?"

Ember nodded.

It seemed simple enough.

Holland was the first employer, she handed them each a set of four cards. As Ember read over her own she saw Venus grin.

"Venus Waldrop, why do you qualify to get the job of a Professional Cuddler?" Holland questioned with a raised brow.

Venus didn't miss a beat when she took one last look at her cards and spoke.

"Well I know I would be great at the job since my crystal ball had told me. Even if the client is shady I will cuddle with them anywhere even if I'm trapped in the closet I don't let my cougar feelings out to the customers so there is only cuddle time."

To say she was the winner of that job was an understatement. It was her turn to be the employer, or at least it was the way they were playing the game.

"Who here thinks they have what it takes for the cutthroat career of being a Fortune Cookie Writer?!" she yelled.

Ember eyed her cards and tried to figure out how she couldn't get them to work. When it came to her turn she was just as confused as she was when they first started.

'I would be great for the job since I can get all my work done in a private jet as I'm wine tasting. Sometimes I can be a bit unstable because of my pet crabs but I normally can focus on my work.'

Holland laughed as she translated to the others.

"Well you're hired only if I get a ride in the private jet as you are wine tasting," Venus handed over the job card and it was Ember's turn to be the employer.

She picked a new card and handed out the shuffled qualification cards to everyone.

'I will be interviewing for the role of a Food Critic for my new company,' she signed.

As they all told her why they would be great for the job she couldn't help but pick Flynn.

"I," he started with a posh British accent. "Am a simple man with poor judgment sometimes, but that's only when my self-entitled yet lovely testicles get in the way. However, people will trust that I can do this job with my British accent and that I can charm them all into loving me."

They played a few more games before they inevitably had to leave. Ember thanked Venus for being such a great hostess and told the woman she would love to have another game night again, this time maybe at their dorms or Ember's apartment.

"At least she didn't show my baby pictures," Holland muttered as they got a cab back to campus.

Ember slapped her arm.

'I knew I should have asked her, next time I'll tell her to bring them.'

"No you will not, they are awful, trust me."

'Somehow I think you're lying.'

Holland sighed in defeat and Ember smiled out the window. Once they got back to campus Ember quickly paid the cab driver and they all headed back to their dorms.

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