Chapter Seven | Blankets and Stars

Start from the beginning

For the tenth time, she checked her to-do list and made sure she got everything written down. Ember got some food from a vending machine on her way to her next class. Unfortunately, this class was a bit more difficult.

She had to take notes at a mile a minute since the professor talked so quickly and refused to slow down for anyone. The assignment at hand was to write everything the professor said then sign it at a speed she was happy with.

It was something that was vital to understand what someone was saying and being able to sign it within seconds of it being told. Simple enough, as long as the anxiety of other people watching her every move didn't get into her head.


"I just don't understand why he had to play his games so loud," Karter complained.

Ember shook her head and signed for him to leave his cousin alone.

He had been practicing more on his own and Ember was kinda shocked to see someone pick up ASL so quickly. Let alone someone who got as distracted as the boy to her left.

"Oh, pick his side!" he said sarcastically.

They were on their way to one of the small book shops Ember really enjoyed visiting and it didn't really hurt that it was close enough to the docks Wayne worked at. Ember told Karter her plan and he grinned, telling her how extra she was being.

The thought made her think of her dad. Everything he did was either all or nothing, it was always something that went past that statement. For example, he didn't just get one boring car, no, he had to get thirteen all of which had something customized to them.

Sure, Ember was a lot like her dad but she was not flashy in the slightest and managed her money to the point most people would look at her crazy. She knew what it was like not to have much and cut corners but she guessed the old habits never stopped since she was still the same person who would only really shop if there was a sale going on or primarily took to thrift shops.

Yet the thought of spending four-hundred dollars on a date, seemed like a good idea at the time, but what if it looked like it was being too much? Money ruined a good bit of her relationships so it was always something she was overly cautious about.

'You think it's too much?' She signed.

"What the date? Nah, she'll love it. Though I think Flynn mentioned something about her not liking the ocean so you know don't push her overboard or nothing."

Ember's eyes widened at the thought. It was nearly October who in their right mind would swim in this weather? More importantly in the waters of New York?

"Hey, don't worry. The girl clearly likes you, she just might need to take things slowly, you know. Remember the first time you realize you liked chicks?"

Ember nodded at the dreadful thought.

It wasn't a thought Ember wanted to think of again. She was twelve and instead of liking any of the boys in her class, she liked one of the girls. She told her dad and he didn't question it, he liked people regardless of their gender so Ember didn't think he would have a problem, she told Carmon and she gave Ember the talk-that she didn't really ask for.

When Ember told her sister she was weird about it for a little, but still accepted her. Not necessarily what Ember wanted. She didn't care if her family accepted her. She was simply informing them how pretty girls were. The thing that made Ember want to push the memories away as it was the last year Caterina was herself. Before she changed before-that bastard entered her life.

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