Could it be love?

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Harry Pov *Lets see what he's thinking*

I woke up realising he was nowhere near me in the bed. I rolled over as gently as I could and put my arm around him. He was facing away from me but to my surprise at my touch he turnt around. He was still sound asleep. I watched him for a few minutes until I saw his eyes flicker. Then I could see his bright blue eyes staring back at me like a new born baby.

"S-sorry" he said realising how close he was and tried to get away.

"No, no don't worry about it" I responded pulling him closer into my chest. I felt water on my chest and looked down to see him crying.

"What's wrong Lou?" I asked trying to sound as caring as I could. I don't know why I'm so attracted to him. I've kidnapped loads of boys before and never felt like this. why was eh so different.

"I-i'm sorry for trying to leave" he whimpered. and I remembered what i done to him last night.

"how is your neck?" I asked.

"its okay now but last night it was bad" I pulled him closer to my chest as i felt his shoulders loosen and his trust get put into me.

"Let's get up and ill make you some breakfast, I don't want you to feel captive here anymore, I want you to enjoy yourself."

"T-thankyou" I heard a little voice say as I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom for a shower. I stood thinking about what I could do to make him feel happy but I just didn't know.

"AHHH" I heard a scream from downstairs and got dressed as fast as I could. I sprinted downstairs trying to find out what the hell was going on. and I instantly saw Louis on the floor. battered. I turnt to Zayn who was standing about him.

"What happened!" I barked

"He was trying to leave again H"

"What do you mean?"

"I came down to find him in here looking for something!"

"I-i was getting a drink" Louis chirped from the floor. I could tell he was hurt and looked up at zayn who i could see what furious. I watched as he booted louis again in the ribs.

I lunged over to him and pinned him against the wall. "That's enough!" He laughed in my face after saying he deserved it.

I threw him down and punched him right in face. I couldn't believe he would say that.

"Woah what are you doing!" He screamed

"He's aloud out now got it?" I questioned knowing full well he would do what I said

"Yeah sorry bro I didn't know" he responded holding his face before making his way upstairs probably to see Liam or something. they had a weird relationship. they go from fighting each other to getting together. it freaked me out but then I remembered I had to deal with the defenceless boy I had on my kitchen floor.

I knelt down and picked him up to rest him down in my arms. I watched him as he got comfy and we sat there for a while before I carried him over to the sofa. He was so light and easy to carry. I laid down with him on the sofa as he fell asleep. I watched the TV and a few hours had passed. Zayn and Liam hadn't been down yet so I knew that something was going on up there.

I looked back down to see his blue eyes starring back at me just like this morning. He sat up and snuggled into me watching the TV. I turned the TV off and he looked at me. He was so beautiful and I couldn't resist anymore. I was surprised when he kissed me back. It only lasted a few minutes before he was smiling back at me. I had finally gained his trust. We watched TV till the A.M before heading to bed.

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