Where am I?

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I woke up and instantly knew I wasn't in my own room. The floor was wood and the room was small. It was filled with a rustic bed with a pitiful sheet which covered my freezing body. With a chair in the corner facing the bed as someone had been sitting in it watching me. No windows and no vents just a door on the other side of the wall that I stared at knowing that would be my only way out.

I heard the latch go on the outside of the door. I pulled the sheets up to my chest hoping they would think I was asleep.

"Ah your awake then" I heard a familiar voice say. I opened my eyes and saw it was the man that I had kicked.

"Get away from me" I warned him as he swan over to my bed. He ignored me and edged closer. I jumped up and swung my right arm right in his face before he could come even closer. I instantly regretted this as he got up straight away and called outside the door.

"Liam! He's awake and he is a fisty one!"

In flew a taller man. He had tattoos up his arms with his brown hair perfectly styled. I knew it was the same guy who had knocked me out before.

"Well, well, well you are alive then?" He smirked and came in the door locking it behind him.
"I've noticed that you like to hit my friend Zayn here" I ignored him and put my head down. There was no way I could win a fight against him. He was taller than me and would clearly knock me out in a heartbeat. "Look Zayn, our little friend won't speak to me come here and hold him for us"

Zayn came over straight away like a little lap dog obeying orders from his master. He grabbed my arms and pinned them behind my back. I struggled and put up a fight before coming to the realisation that there was no way he was going to let go.

"There we go Liam" finally I knew the other guys name. Liam and Zayn pretty easy to remember when I go to the police. Liam held my face up so my eyes met with his.

"Where's your phone?" He asked me with a stern glare

"Piss off" I replied not thinking straight. This made him look even more angry than he was before. "I haven't got it" I lied trying to break the tension.

The room stayed quiet but was interrupted by a bing. A bing I knew far to well. It was my ringtone. I saw as Liams eyes diverted straight to my joggers pocket.

"Oh so your a liar as well then" he said before unlocking my phone by putting it up to my face.

"Niall says remember you have homework" he tells me in the most sarcastically way possible. I hear Zayn laugh behind my head but I choose to ignore it.

Liam lowers down getting into my face and holds my chin up to his once again. This time close enough that I saw red. I didn't like anyone touching me let alone people I didn't even know. "What is your name then Princess?"

I don't want to respond to this idiot. He didn't need to know anything about me. Without thinking I did the worse thing possible spit. He wiped his face with his sleeve before hitting me straight in the ribs.

Don't. Punch

You. Punch

Spit. Punch

Again. Punch

My stomach felt like it was on fire as I was released by Zayn. I used all my strength and stood up about to give Liam one quick punch to the jaw but in walked another man. A man I had never seen before.

"WHATS GOING ON" His voice was more authoritative and it made Zayn and Liam stand up tall. I crept back onto my bed and watched as Liam whispered something to the man. His emerald green eyes flashed at me.

"Get out now!" He barked at Zayn and Liam who quickly ran out the room shutting the door behind them.

He paced around the room not speaking to me just giving me glares every so often. I stayed sat on the bed wondering who he was. His brown hair swung in his face as he walked and his Buckles rattled with every step he took.

Finally he spoke up "what is your name?" This time I felt more worried. There was something about him that made me realise he was serious. But that wouldn't stop me prolonging whatever he wanted.

"it doesn't matter" I said back to which he turnt now staring at me.

"Well no name, you haven't behaved for us for the short time you've been here. So you will be punished" I laughed thinking about what he was going on about.

"Funny you laugh" he continued "I've sent Liam and Zayn out on a little errand to collect something of yours" he smirked and headed for the door. I heard a click and knew it had been locked from the outside.

Something of mine? My parents are away with my sisters? What is he going on about?

I eventually fell asleep listening to the wood floor creak at every gust of wind coming from under the door.

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