Drop off

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*Liams pov*

I dragged him back over to the car. I don't know how he still wasn't awake but I'm guessing it was the many kicks he had added to the initial knockout Zayn had given him. I threw him in the back of the car and started driving.

I never understood why Harry made us get someone out captive loved to tell us what we wanted but now I realised. Seeing the kid break down I guess made him feel more powerful then ever.

It was dark out as I got to Niall house. I threw him out and left his body to rot at the side of the road. Well it's not like I could go up to the door and say sorry just returning your son we just kidnapped and beat up could I.

I hated this part of the job but we had to do what Harry said. Normally I sympathise against our captives but there was something about this one that I just didn't like. I didn't like the fact that he fights back and I know I have to sort that as soon as I get back.


Sorry this chapter is so short, but I hope you are enjoying the book so far! Don't forget to leave any suggestions you have. Thanks for reading!

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