Chapter 22

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Ashton paces back and forth in the foyer. His hair is a mess from me messing with it so much and I can tell that his lips are still swollen. Luckily he does have the biggest gang I've ever heard of so he doesn't have to count on the boys anymore.

I sit patiently while he talks on the phone. He every once in awhile looks at me and smiles making my heart soar. He's just amazing, "Alright baby, time for training."

"Training?" I ask not even realizing he got off the phone.

He places his arms on either side of me looking into my eyes intently, "I almost lost you, princess. Despite the stereotypes, gangs refuse to hit a girl, so if you can fight, that situation will never happen again," I nod and follow him into the training room.

I can't help but laugh when I see the boys' pictures on punching bags. All humor fades once I see Michael's face though. Ashton has already taught me a bit about man on man fighting and I want to rip this punching bag apart, "Hold on. You'll get to take out your anger in a little bit," he says leading me to another room.

This room is extremely dark and my eyes can barely adjust, "The boys don't even know about this room. It makes you use your other senses other than sight to take out your enemy," he explains.

He has me sit at the edge while he shows me what he means. He listens for the tiniest sound, feels for any shifts in weight on the plush floor, even smells at some point. Each time he's able to pin point where his target is and take it out. It's quite impressive.

His silhouette approaches me taking off his blindfold, "I knew you were gone when I walked in the house because I couldn't smell that intoxicating perfume you always wear. While its a good tool, at that time it was a huge distraction."

I cock my head to the side, "I panicked that you were gone and that's when the boys piled up on me. It's a very crucial rule; you always have to be on your toes," he clarifies. I feel a rush of guilt tug at my heart. He got beaten because of me... I should've never left. Ashton pulls me out of my thoughts by placing the blindfold on my head, "Your turn."

I find my way to the middle of this... Arena? Yeah, arena. I try to feel the shifts in weight, hear for any off noises but I'm failing miserably. This might take awhile.

"There you go!" Ashton shouts enthusiastically when I hit my 8th target in a row. I'm in the same room I was in two weeks ago but now instead of me not knowing what the hell to do, the room is my bitch!

I've already trained my fighting, shooting, even grenade skills. I'm sweating like a pig but I'm way more coordinated and on my toes thanks to Ashton. I have the skills of a lion searching for its prey and I feel fucking awesome.

I get so into it that Ashton eventually has to make me stop, "You need rest. We'll train some more tomorrow, okay?" He pleads taking my blindfold off.

"Fine," I say like a child going on my toes to reach him and give him a kiss. I walk out of the room purposely trying to grab his attention. I'm finally feeling better down there and I want Ashton to make me his again.

"You did very well today baby," he says following me out, "Now I want to see you use your skills on those bastards."

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