I put my hand up verrrry slowly to make her feel anxious

I give her a head Pat and she gave a tiny moan in pleasure

I guess she noticed what sound she made and became a blushing mess and sped walked away

I laid down again and got some shut eye

*random swoosh of air*

I shot awake

Something told me to run out and run south

I heard walker groans

*high pitched scream*

I stopped and looked left And right

*another high pitched scream*

It came straight and I seen someone in a tree and about 8 walker

"HEY!" I yelled out

I got their attention

"RAHH" one yelled out to me

In a quick motion I attempted to quick draw

I hit 5 out of 8 shots

The remaining make their way to me

I stab one , but get grabbed the other did the same

I fell to the ground with the walkers on top of me

One goes to bite me but I put my forearm on their neck to keep them off

"HEYAW" I heard a battle cry

The walker on my left gets fucking bullocked and I use my left hand to punch the walker on my left to get off me

I start beating the walkers head in
*intense heavy breathing*

"....fuck" I said

".....wait.." The mysterious stranger in the tree said

They walk over to me and take my hat off


*visible confusion* I gave off


They tackled me into a hug

"Oof" I exclaim in pain

Whom ever this was knew me and they sat up and took off their sky mask and hood

"........Jess? You're alive?, why are you in Georgia?"

"Y/n! I heard gun shots. Are you okay?

Tyrese walked into view

"Who's this,kid?"

"One of my friends from high school"

He gave off a face of confusion and shock

"Come on Jess time to go"

She continued to hold onto me

We make it to the church

"Y/n! Are you okay-.....who's this..." it wasn't a question more of a...threat? From Charlotte

"Char, chill. She was getting attacked by walkers. And I went to save her"

She kinda squints at me to tell if I'm lying

"Char.....she went to our school....She was one of my only friends..."

She gave a look of shock and embarrassment

"Sorry about Charlotte, she's very protective"

"Ohh, is she your girlfriend?" She gave a Devilish grin

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