On the road again

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There I am alone on Mr.Morgan riding down the road

I've killed a few bad dudes

It's been maybe a year i turn 16 in the winter I know I'm somewhat close to Rick and the group

I hear talking and I hop down off mr.Morgan

He learned to sit down when I crouch

I look over the corner and see a gate

I run into the woods nearby and Bury my duffle and put inside my automatic weapons just in case, I want to stop and meet these folks

I have my cattleman revolver and a bolt action rife with my Winchester

"Howdy!" I call out

The people at the gate look over and pointed their weapons at me

"Woah woah there I'm a simple traveller I mean no trouble, and trust me I don't want any trouble"

They call someone and I see a gent with graying hair named the "governor"

I say:"I mean no trouble sir I'm just trying to have a place to stay the night"

He opens the gate and lets me in

I walk in with Mr.Morgan

"How many walkers you kill?" The governor asked me

"More than the average Joe"

"How many men?"

"Well I wouldn't call them men but around 40 rapists murderers and escaped felons, that's it sir."

People walk to see the problem

I take my hat and pancho off

I grab the strap for my rife and Winchester take it

I pinch my cattleman and lift it and toss it

"....y/n?" I looked up recognizing the voice

I get tackled into a hug and a lot of kisses


Governor:"that is the first time I've heard her talk."

Next thing I know Andrea walks out and sees a crowd of people


Andrea:"y/n? Y/n! Where's Amy" she said as she ran over

I responded:" last time I seen her was when I left the group"

She seemed disappointed like why'd I have Amy with me

I couldn't get up so I ended up just giving Charlotte a piggyback ride

I get set up in the same house as Charlotte and we go to this school

I kinda sat in the back and Charlotte was holding onto me

I sat there just kinda chilling

A few hours later I was exploring around and ended up sneaking into a ware house

I open a door and see a naked Maggie and the governor

I stood there processing what I'm see and I realized

I ran to them and throw a super man punch and miss he grabs me and threw me to the wall

He ran to me punched me on the side of the face

I grab him and throw him to the same wall he threw me

I punch him square in the face a few times he kicked me in the stomach making me stagger backwards a few feet

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