The farm

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We gathered around rocks. Some sort of burial For Otis

Something was off about Shane but I can't put my finger on it, call it a gut feeling but I don't think he's telling the truth

I can't go and help search for Sofia cuz I lost to much blood

I stood there with the group

Maggie and Glenn are gonna go to town to resupply I asked if I could come and they agreed I could come she went to grab the horses and I sneak up on Glenn

He says:"hellllo farmers daughter"

I say:"I figured you'd like her, she's quite pretty." Scaring him

Lori walks up to Glenn and gives him a note and whispers

So there's a walker in a well

We ended up sending Glenn as bait to pull him up

I would've went but I'm too big

We are lowering him but the fucking pump thing broke dropping Glenn

I was the first to grab the rope

Giving me rope burn

I start pulling him up

He eventually got back up

We start pulling the walker up somehow Glenn got it tied up but it's all for nothing cuz he got split in half

I walk away and make it to the house

20 minutes later

Me Glenn and Maggie left

He strikes up a conversation with her saying that he's used to going solo

I just sat there on my horse

We make it there and we walk in

I grab a few things and head outside they need their sweet time

I walk over to a car and bust a window and unlocked it

I sat in and hot wired it

Started it up

Played the radio nothing, I look and found a few CDs for my CD player

It appeared they were having sex I walk out and see a few walkers
I walk over next thing I know there's more than a dozen

I grab my blade and hold it where the blade were to go downwards so I could punch and stab

I took out one another grabs ahold of and bites into my body armour

I punch it in the temple and curb stomp it

I know I couldn't fire off shots but I had to

I grab my stengun and spray it at them killing most I finish them off with my knife

I walk back and I am covered in blood

I walk back and they ran out. Half naked I just said"put your clothes on" and jumped on my horse and started to ride back

Hershel walked to Maggie if everything was fine and she responded saying nothing happened

I walk to go talk to hershel, he's a good man

I had a decent conversation, he told me about his life and how his father was abusive and how he left around my age.

I told him about how I lived in the cold mountains when I turned 10. My dad sent me up their for some sort of test I spent 2.5 years up there and moved back down, I despised him after that

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