19 | Different Lives

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Today is my first day in the studio. Is it normal to be this nervous? Issie and Millie are accompanying me for about an hour until they have to go to their mom's bake sale. It would have been nicer if Lou was coming, but he's doing a lot of his own things right now.

One being, auditioning for Enola Holmes! He's auditioning after school, so at least I'll be able to wish him 'good luck.' Two, he has been spending a lot of time with one of his co-stars in Medici, William Franklyn Miller. Apparently, he's back from Los Angeles and they need some 'bro time?' Whatever that means. I just wish he could be with me, he's been kind of distant since I signed with the label. He's been wanting to go to parties and he always asks me, but I'm usually really busy. Plus, I hate drunk teenagers with a passion. Louis always promises that he won't drink and I trust him.

French, my last period of the day ended and Louis and I were standing in the parking lot.

"Good luck, I know you're gonna get the part" I said wrapping my arms around his neck as he leaned against his car. He looked nervous, like shaking nervous. He held onto my waist as his eyes searched for something to focus on.

"I know you're going to be amazing" He said softly kissing my lips before pulling away with a smile. "And I know every song is going to be amazing because they're about me" He said with a chuckle as I playfully slapped his arm.

"You are something else, Partridge!" I said getting out of his grasp and walking to my car.

"But you love me!" Louis yelled out as he opened his car door.

"I do, I really love you" I said slowly getting into the drivers seat of my car. I quickly said some affirmations and tried to shake all of the nerves and jitters out. What if my voice is shaky? What if I forget all the lyrics? What if I'm a one hit wonder? I shook my head ridding me of any negative thoughts as I drove through the Paris streets.

I finally pulled into the parking lot and I saw Issie and Millie waiting by the door of the building.

"Hi!" I said with my arms stretched wide for us to hug.

"I'm so excited, you're gonna be so good" Millie said with her chin on my shoulder. "Of course she's gonna be good! She's freaking Madison Grace Hall!" Issie said leaving the hug and placing her hands around her mouth as she yelled out my name. I rolled my eyes with amusement and pushed their backs to go in.

The lady at the front desk showed us to the recording studio and we were met with James and Leyla.

"Hi Madison! So, we're going to record... what is your song name again?" I haven't really thought about it. I stared down at my shoes trying to come up with a name on the spot.

"Love Story!" Issie yelled out. She's been listening to the song everyday since it was out on Youtube. Love Story is the perfect name.

I nodded my head in agreement and placed my hand proudly on Issie's shoulder. "Okay, Love Story it is!" Leyla said directing Issie and Millie to some chairs. As for me, they led me into the recording booth.

(i really don't know how this works, so don't get mad at me lol)

I stood in the booth as they played the backing track. I thought it was going to be hard, but my voice sounded perfect and I was completely comfortable with everyone in this room. I'm normally a nervous wreck when I perform in front of people, but I don't know. This seemed like a safe space?

An hour went by and Issie and Millie had to leave for the bake sale. We continued with the song until it was about 9:00pm and I was free to go. I hugged James and Leyla before exiting the building and going into my car. We're continuing tomorrow with the song because they want to put some of my vocals in the background and add some beats and other technical stuff.

I was now home and walked up the stairs to my bedroom. The day was so tiring that I immediately plopped on my bed without taking my shoes or jacket off. I heard a rustle coming from the tree beside my window. Eh, it's probably a squirrel or something. The rustling became louder and louder as I heard a tiny tap on the window. I cautiously got up and slowly walked to the window to be met with my Golden Retriever boyfriend, Louis Partridge.

I undid the latches on the window and pulled him in as he fell onto the ground. I held onto his hand as I helped him up. "What're you doing here?" I said jumping onto him. My arms were around his neck as my legs wrapped around his waist. He held me up by my legs as he smiled softly at my blushed face.

"I wanted to see how your first day was and maybe talk about my audition?" I held tighter as he walked us over to the bed and sat down.

"Oh my gosh. Yes, how was your audition?" I said with a slight whisper so my parents didn't know he was in here at this time of day.
(about 9:30pm)

"It was great. I think I did pretty good. Millie Bobby Brown was staring at me the whole time, so hopefully that was a good sign" He said chuckling as his head was leaned into my neck.

I held his face up as I looked directly into his eyes. "Did you say, Millie Bobby Brown?" He nodded his head and my eyes went wide. I love Millie Bobby Brown. I have like fifty million Florence By Mills products.

"She was staring at you because she was blown away by your jaw dropping talent" I said sweeping some hair from his red face. He placed his head back in my neck as he blushed with embarrassment. What I said was true, he is way too talented for small roles. He is unbelievably amazing.

"How was your first day?" He said changing the topic to me.

"It was good. We recorded the whole song, but I have to go back tomorrow to do some technical stuff" His arms were now wrapped around my waist as he looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"I can come with you tomorrow. I don't have anything to do" He said with his cute british accent and his rising and falling chest.

"I'd love that" I said kissing his cheek as I let go and crawled under the covers. He got up from the bed and made his way to the window.


He quickly turned around as he heard my voice. "Can you stay, just for a little bit longer?" He nodded his head as I directed him over to the spot beside me. He crawled under the covers as I placed my laptop on our legs and turned on Netflix.

After a few hours of watching movies, I heard his soft snores and tame breaths as I closed my laptop and placed my head on his chest. He pulled me closer and at this moment. Time stopped and everything was perfect.

° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 °
hi guys!
wow i haven't updated in a bit lol
i hope this was okay
i'm kinda losing motivation to write this,
but i'm going to try finishing it bc i have a lot of great ideas for what's going to happen:)
i hope your day is/was amazing <3
i luv uuuuuuuu
- sofia (yes, i'm using my name now ahaha)

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