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February 12, 2015

Dear kids,

Tonight me and my best friend Sydney are going to see the Fifty Shades of Grey movie and I could not be more excited! I'm literally bouncing in my seat right now as I type this. It's going to be soooo incredible. Of course you can't read it for awhile until you've matured, but this author I really look up to. She had the guts to post something that isn't really typically done and became a success. That takes not only dedication but determination and strength.

This is my second favorite series of all times and really hope that through her breakthrough with the genre of the book... maybe one of mine will be like that one day. You'll understand why once you've seen some of my works.

This is how excited we are for the movie, she and I literally went and bought grey ties to wear to the movie! It's in the book but it only makes sense to represent this masterpiece of a story, regardless of what anyone else says. Honestly if someone hates someone else's work it's typically because it's good and they're jealous of the publicity.

Anyways, I won't say anything about the movie because some haven't seen it... But books are always better.


Mom (19)

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