~Chapter Fourteen~

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-Temari's POV-

I jolted up so fast I almost fell off the bed and onto the floor. Almost. I looked around me, scanning my surroundings. I was in the hospital, but all I remembered was passing out in the middle of our way from the Hidden Rain Village.

I was back in Konoha, and Kuragari was taken in to custody in this village. I stretched my arms and pulled myself off the bed. At the same time the door to my room slid open.

"Temari!" Ino cried and wrapped me in a hug. "Are you alright?" She asked breathlessly.

"Not if you keep suffocating me-" I choked out. Ino let me go with an apologetic look.

"You were out for a few hours, Lord Hokage came to the hospital to hear from Shikamaru and Neji and the others. For both the mission report and the... unexpected guest."

I nodded, remembering what she was talking about. "What about the others?"

"Tenten's alright, so are Shikamaru and Neji. Kimiko's still asleep and she'll have that scar on the side of her head but she's safe, and Ryo is..."

"He's still asleep too, huh?" I pulled my regular clothes back on, and then Ino and I walked out the door. I went to the room Kimiko and Ryo were, and opened the door. Inside were two beds, one with Kimiko, and Ryo on the other.

Shikamaru leaned on one side of the window sill. The Hokage stood next to the door, and Lady Tsunade stood opposite the beds. It was pretty crowded in the room, not to mention the largely built white haired man standing beside Shikamaru.

~Flashback to few hours ago back in the Hidden Rain~

-3rd Person's POV-

Immediately after Kuragari's defeat, Ryo collapsed, blacking out. Neji and Temari had their hands full with supporting Tenten and Kimiko. Shikamaru was only one person, he couldn't hold both Ryo and Kuragari at the same time, but he had to try. They had called for backup, so hopefully it would come soon.

Using his shadows, he dragged Kuragari while literally carrying Ryo's limp body. By the time the whole squad were at the top of the staircase and ready to exit the building, they were surrounded by about thirty ninja, all fully armed.

Neji and Shikamaru put the other's on the ground and got ready to fight. "How much chakra do you have left?" Shikamaru asked Neji.

"Plenty." Neji stood in the Gentle fist stance. Temari struggled to her legs. "I can help a bit, I've got a little chakra."

Shikamaru shook his head. "Don't. Neji and I'll take these guys." Temari scoffed but didn't argue. Even she knew she couldn't help too much.

"I'll take the fifteen on the right" Neji said.

Shikamaru let out a breath with a smile. "Alright." With a loud battle cry erupting from all of them, the enemy ninja attacked.

Neji and Shikamaru were instantly overwhelmed. They were great shinobi no doubt, but thirty enemies were too many. The two played defence, having to protect the five others. They were able to reduce the enemy to twenty, but the odds were clearly against them.

Just when it felt like they were going to die hopelessly, a loud crash smashed from above. A figure came jumping down to the ground, landing in the centre of the entire fight.

The man didn't say anything. He pulled his hood off, his back to the others. He whipped his long white hair around, extending it and slashing at the enemy ninja. Within a minute, all of them were lying on the ground defeated. The man turned around to face the others directly, then smiled and walked closer.

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