~Chapter Twelve~

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A/N: Yes I changed the book's name because I felt this title was a more suitable one for this precious ship, really hope no one minds! Huge thank you to Lovingdreamer22 who had the title but let me use it ❤️❤️!!!

-Shikamaru's POV-

"What is with people and kidnapping high officials?" Tenten sighed. "Have you ever been to the Hidden Rain? This is my first time."

"I've been there once," I said.

"Twice," Neji said, before shaking his head slightly. "And Tenten, people won't kidnap someone who isn't of importance or value."

"So I'll have no risk of being in danger right?" Tenten laughed. Neji opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it and looked away from her.

I watched the two of them, but not paying attention to what they said. They jumped from tree to tree, and I was so lost in thought I almost fell off the branch I jumped from.

How would Temari get kidnapped. She's not weak, and she had Ryo and Kimiko with her, and they're pretty strong too. My thoughts raced, bringing up and cancelling down possibilities.

Unless one of the kidnappers was with her all along. Recent memories of us sitting around the dinner table and laughing played through my head. I found it hard to believe either Ryo and Kimiko wanted to kidnap Temari.

I remembered a certain detail Ryo had said. Lord Kazekage was very sympathetic to all the refugees from the Hidden Rain. My sister and cousin- Nami and Kuragari and I found a new home in Sunagakure.

Ryo was originally from Amegakure and he moved to the Sand. Anger started to boil up inside me.

"My husband used to keep a book of medical herbs and concoctions, and if it wouldn't be too much of a problem could you add whatever you know to it, and maybe even take it back to Suna so you could keep adding stuff?" Yoshino asked Ryo. Ryo shot her a thumbs up and a grin.

"Oh, yeah I can do that, no problemo."

The anger kept growing, me remembering that Ryo must have my father's journal as well, and might use all of it for his own benefit.

"Come onnnn your baby pictures aren't that bad!" Ryo laughed as he held the album away from my reach.

"Mom why would you show them that embarrassing thing?"

"Because why not?" Ryo said before I snatched the book away.

Was he really a traitor all along?

"My sister's worked really hard to become a ninja, and she want's to be a Chunin, so I'm doing my best to help this event happen," Ryo said with a proud face. "It's the least I can do for her."

Was it all a lie?


I snapped out of his daze and looked back. Neji and Tenten had landed on the ground, but I had kept jumping through the trees. A few seconds later and I would have gone too far. I internally slapped myself before hopping down to the ground where Neji and Tenten stood.

We had reached the border of the Land of Fire. Usually it would have taken a day to reach the border, but for emergencies, rescue teams were given special pills to cover longer distances.

"I have the highest rank at the moment, I'll speak to the guards," Neji said. Tenten and i followed behind him, and the three of us approached the gates where two shinobi on shift were watching the border line.

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