~Chapter Five~

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-3rd person POV-

"Wait, they're three of you?" Kakashi said, surprised. The three visitors from the Hidden Sand stood in front of the Hokage's desk.

"They were sent as my protection," Temari informed him.

"I see." Kakashi took out an address card and gave it to Temari. "This is the hotel where you will be staying. We only booked one room, expecting you to be alone."

Kimiko slammed her hands on the desk in panic. "WILL WE BE SLEEPING IN THE STREETS?" She put the back of her hand on her forehead dramatically. "Oh the sacrifices we make so Lady Temari can be safe-"

"Don't worry, you can stay in the same hotel room as Lady Temari, if that's all right for the both of you, of course," Kakashi interrupted her.

Kimiko gasped. "I'm sharing a room with Lady Temari?" She turned to Temari. "I won't if you're not comfortable."

"No, no it's quite alright," Temari replied dismissively.

Kimiko's bright mood switched suddenly. She slammed her hands on Kakashi's table again. "WHAT ABOUT RYO?" She jumped backwards and clung to Ryo's left arm.

"I was coming to that..." Kakashi took a breath. "Since it's the peak of tourist season, all the rooms are already booked."


Shikamaru sighed at the hyperactive girl. He stood leaning against the wall on one side, watching Temari and the others.

Kakashi stood up and looked at Shikamaru, then at Ryo, and then back to Shikamaru. "If it's not a problem Shikamaru, could Ryo stay at your house till we find a room for him?"

The room fell silent. Shikamaru stared at the Hokage, baffled. He looked at Ryo, who was looking back at him. After a brief debate in his head, he sighed and agreed.

"It'll be a drag, but alright," he muttered.

Temari was surprised, fully expecting Shikamaru to complain more. But after he agreed he had just shrugged and closed his eyes, not even looking at the others.

Ryo, on the other hand, was being crushed by Kimiko's hug.

"We can start discussing the Chunin exams whenever you'd like," Shikamaru told Temari.

Temari looked at the Hokage. "May we have some time to place our luggage?"

"Of course."


Temari tossed her fan onto the bed, the bed slightly creaking from the sudden weight. The hotel room was spacious, and was furnished with carpets, paintings and flower vases. There was a single bed on one side, with a light brown covering. There was a small table in a corner, and a couch which had been pushed to the side. It was clearly meant for only one person, but another mattress had been put inside for Kimiko.

The room was on the third floor of the hotel, and it had a pond, balconies and even a small garden-like area for visitors to sit in the open.

"Whoa, this place is a lot bigger than my room back in Suna," Kimiko said.

Temari didn't say anything, since the Kazekage clan had the largest house in the Hidden Sand Village, and she didn't really see much different in the size of her room back in Suna and the one she was standing in right now. She looked at Kimiko, who was gaping at the luxurious room, poking at everything.

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