~Chapter Eight- The Festival- Part 2~

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Yoshino scoffed. "You want me to fix this?" She felt the fabric in her hand, tracing the tear with her finger.

"Come on, just do it," Shikamaru sighed.

"Alright, but it'll take a while," Yoshino muttered. Shikamaru nodded and then walked to his room. Ryo wasn't there, he had forced Shikamaru to wake up and then went outside.

~Flashback to last night~

Ryo had taken Kimiko back to the hotel room the previous night, carrying her bridal style as she was asleep. It was already nearing midnight, and Kimiko was too drunk to stay awake anyway.

-Temari's POV-

I stared at Mother's scarf, and then looked away, blaming myself for not being careful enough. I looked at the mirror on the other side of the room. The makeup Ino had put on me was all messy, not to mention the state my hair was in. The top half of my new dress had been soaked as well, but I didn't care at that point.

The first time I had worn Mother's scarf, just when I was starting to forgive everyone around me, to come out of her death, of course this had to happen.

The grief of losing Mother had hit me again, and I didn't like it one bit. I tried to suppress my tears, but one look at the scarf made the sorrow return.


I turned my head to the door to see who it was. Shikamaru walked into the room, his kimono shabby as well.

"Whoa, you look horrible," Shikamaru breathed.

"Yeah," I rolled my eyes. "Way to make a girl feel better."

Shikamaru's steps paused, and he let out a half sigh- half groan, with a little bit of muttering. I smiled despite myself.

"Are you okay?" Shikamaru asked and sat next to me on the bed.

"Do I look okay to you?" I deadpanned, trying not to sniff.

"What a drag," Shikamaru mumbled. He glanced at the scarf I was holding tightly. "Is that scarf special to you?"

I hesitated. "Yes. It was my mother's."

"The sake won't stain too much, it'll fade away after a few tosses into the laundry," Shikamaru gave me a small smile, and again, I couldn't help myself. He just made me smile.

"It's not the stain, it's this" I showed him the tear, and he looked at it, baffled. The tear itself was fixable, but to also mend the embroidery which had torn as well was a problem. Shikamaru seemed to notice that as well.

"Oh.." He sat in silence for a minute. Then he abruptly held the scarf as well, pulling it slightly but not enough for me to let go of it.

"How about this, I'll see what I can do to fix this, alright?" He asked.

I looked at him, surprised, since he usually didn't volunteer to do anything. "I- Alright."

Shikamaru's face relaxed, seeing mine do the same. I let out a breath and smiled, feeling much better than the rotten person I was a few minutes ago.

Shikamaru suddenly tensed, and I looked at him to see what was wrong. He was looking down at the scarf, which was partially in his lap, and partially in mine.

As for his hands, they had cupped mine when he held the scarf, and we hadn't noticed, and hadn't moved.

I quickly pulled them away, and he did too. I looked in the opposite direction, heat rising to my cheeks as I realised he was holding my hands, and we were alone in the hotel room.

Troublesome Love (ShikaTema)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora