Terra scoffed and went back inside, shoving Keith as she went. "Kit. Come here." Nikolas said softly. Keith just shook his head and ran behind the house. Nikolas sighed. "I see he still loves to go to the garden when he's upset, huh Takashi?" Shiro nodded. "Yeah. He still does that. Do you want me to go talk to him?" Nikolas shook his head. "No, leave him be. He just needs some space, the poor thing. He still blames himself, doesn't he?" Shiro nodded again.

"Yeah. Anyway, there was an actual reason as to why we came here. Other than to see you, of course." Shiro smiled. Nikolas smiled as well and pulled him into a hug. "Alright, what is it?"

"Well, sir. We wanted to know more about the events surrounding Keith's birth." I said, stepping out from behind Hunk. Nikolas froze.

"You mean the start of the war, yes?" We all nodded. Nikolas sighed. "Okay. But I'll tell you tonight, while Terra and Keith are asleep. I don't want Keith knowing what happened between his mother, Ulaz and Thace."

The group nodded in unison. "You guys really can't tell Keith about any of what happened. It would break him. Even more than him knowing that the Alteans knew where Galra Capital was because of him putting trust into the wrong set of people. You have to promise to never tell him."

"We promise we won't tell him, father." Shiro said, and we all nodded in agreement. "Alright then."

I took this opportunity to speak up. "Is Keith always gone for this long when he's upset?" It had been about thirty minutes since he ran to the garden. Shiro looked at Nikolas in concern. "No. Unless we're at the castle, he usually is only in the garden for at most, ten or twenty minutes." He says, a frown on his face. "Should we try and see if he's okay?" Hunk asked. Pidge shook her head. "No, he'll be fine. He knows not to stay away for too long. If he's not back by nightfall, then we should see if he's okay. But for now, just leave him be."

Shiro nodded. "She's right. What Terra said really hurt him, so it might take him a little while to calm down."

"Come on inside, everyone. It's still a little too cold for my old age, and I don't feel like getting sick today." Nikolas laughed, trying to lighten the mood. We all followed him inside. We entered the kitchen/ dining room and Nikolas gestured for us to sit at the table. "I'm going to go find Terra." He said, leaving the room.

"Shiro, why does your mom hate Keith so much?" Hunk asked quietly. Shiro opened his mouth, but was cut off. "It's because I'm responsible for her brother's death." Said a shaky voice from behind me. I felt arms circle around my neck and something leaning on my shoulder. "Hey Keith. We were worried about you." I said, turning around and pulling him onto my lap. He squirmed for a minute, but sighed and sat still, burying his face into my neck. "I'm fine, guys." He said, though it was muffled.

Pidge looked at him, a worried smile etched onto her face. "We know you think your fine, Keef, but we all know you aren't. You don't have to talk, just know we all will be here no matter what Terra says."

"Yeah!" Hunk exclaimed. "Although, now that I think about it," Hunk turned to Shiro. "why did you call her Terra? I thought she was your mom?" Shiro shook his head and Keith let out a soft laugh against my neck. "She's not actually my mom. She raised me, sure. But she was never my mother. My mother died in the war, and my father married Terra a few years back, it was actually a few days after Thace's funeral. Thace was her brother, which I guess makes Keith and I cousins, in a way. Though we are more like brothers than anything, huh Kate?" Shiro said. Keith shot his head up at the name and glared at Shiro.

I looked down at Keith, confused. "What? Shiro, why did you just call Keith Kate?" I asked, looking back at Shiro. Pidge and Shiro were laughing really hard. Keith glared at both of them. "I thought we agreed that name wasn't to be used anymore?" Keith asked, burrowing himself into my neck again, out of embarrassment. "We did, it slipped out." Shiro said, wiping his eyes. "So, when Keith was really small, like, two, maybe, he was trying to pronounce his name, and he couldn't so it came out as Kate. He also said Keef up until he was about seven, so if you ever catch us calling him that, that's why." He explained.

Romeo and Juliet~Klance {Completed}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora