Chapter 12.2 Harumi and Pastel Palettes

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Harumi: Minna-san, Konnichiwa! I am Nakano Harumi, keyboardist of [Y/BN]. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu! I am here today to help with this idol event as a part of the promotional tour that we had done this past week! Come join me as I take you on a backstage tour and let's interview some of the performers!

Harumi then proceeded to tour backstage. During her tour, she met some known personalities backstage and had the chance to interview them.

Harumi: Minna-san! Look who I've found backstage! From the idol unit Aqours, Watanabe You-san!

You: Yousoro!

Harumi: So, Watanabe-san, with the idol event approaching nearer, how are you feeling today?

You: Well, I am super excited about this! And it is not just me, I know that everyone on Aqours is very excited as we will all have a chance to perform before this year ends. This is an event that anyone who loves idols should look forward to. Not only idol units will be onstage but also idol bands! And oh, I am also looking forward to your concert Harumi-Chan!

Harumi: Wow! Thank you so much Watanabe-san! I will do my best!

You: You know you and Megumi-Chan are very stylish! I like the combination of clothes you wear during your performances. You know me, I am the wardrobe supervisor for Aqours for a reason, I love seifuku! And by the way, for those wondering, I am not related to Megumi-Chan, the author of this story just likes me so much that he used my surname in writing this story!

Harumi: Huh? What are you saying Watanabe-san?

You: Nothing. Nothing. Hehe. Say Harumi-Chan, do you want to try some of the seifuku here backstage?

Harumi: Really!? I would love to!

Harumi then looks at the camera.

Harumi: Hey everyone, did you hear that!? I'm going to try some idol clothes!

You: Alright! The dressing room is over there. Zensoku Zenshin!

As Harumi enters the dressing room, she saw that the band members of Pastel Palettes were also inside and are planning their outfits.

Hina: Oh look! It's Harumi-Chan.

Maya: And she is with Watanabe You-san!

Harumi: Konnichiwa minna-san!

You: Yousoro!

Aya: Ahhhh!!! Uhmm... Konnishuwa! AHHH!!!

You: Huh? Shuwa?

Chisato: Aya! Calm yourself!

Maya: It is cute when Aya-san does that Huhehe

Hina: Yeah! That is what makes Aya-chan, Aya-chan and I think that is Boppin!

Chisato: Maya-Chan... Hina-Chan... Not you two, too...

Eve: Don't worry Chisato-San! They are just being honest with their personalities like walking a true path of Bushido!

Chisato facepalms and sighs.

Harumi: Uhmmm... Should I remove this when I edit the film?

Aya: Eeeehhh!!!??? Harumi-Chan you are filming!?

Hina: Woah! It's a camera! Konnichiwa! Hey Onee-chan! Are you watching this?

You: HAHA! You girls sure are lively and fun! I can't wait to see you perform!

Aya: The pleasure is ours. It is a great opportunity for PasuPare to perform in this event together with Aqours! Right, Chisato-Chan?

Chisato: Yes! It is an honor performing with you Watanabe-san.

Maya: We're looking forward to our event! I'm so excited!

Hina: Me too! We will make it a boppin' event!

Eve: I will do my best and give my all for this event just like a true samurai warrior!

PasuPare: Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

You: Yoroshiku onegaishimasu! I'm also looking forward to this event but in the meantime, wanna join us for Harumi-Chan's filming?

Aya: Sure! What do we have to do?

You: Well, Harumi-Chan will try some outfits here!

Maya: Woah! That's a great idea! I'm sure all of the outfits here will look cute on Harumi-Chan!

Hina: Alright! Let's start this!

Chisato: Are you ready for this Harumi-Chan?

Harumi: Thank you so much, everyone! I'm prepared! Bring it on!

The band members of PasuPAre and You had then assisted Harumi in trying the outfits backstage.

You: First is my outfit that I first wear when we performed Aozora Jumping Heart!

Harumi: How do I look, everyone?

Aya: You are so cute Harumi-Chan!

Hina: Woah! You look like an idol! Hey! Why don't you try Eve-Chan's stage outfit? I'm sure it will fit you!

Maya: That's a nice idea Hina-san!

Eve: Here, Harumi-Chan, try my outfit!

Harumi then tries to wear Eve's stage outfit.

Harumi: How do I look?

You: Kawaii! Those colors suit you!

Chisato: Yeah! You're like an idol material, Harumi-Chan!

Harumi: Oh, come on, you're embarrassing me!

Hina: It's true! Say, wanna be a part of PasuPare? You can replace Eve-Chan! You both play the Keyboard after all!

Eve: EEEHHHHHH!!!???

Hina: HAHA! I'm just joking! We will never replace you!

Hina then hugs Eve.

Maya: Yeah! Say, I'm curious. Harumi-Chan, how about you try Eve's uniform?

Eve: That's a great idea!

Aya: Oooh!!! Let's do this! Harumi-Chan in a Hanasakigawa Uniform!

You: Hey Hey! Can I borrow a set too? I also want to try your seifuku!

Aya: Of course, You-san you can try mine!

You and Harumi then changed to Hanasakigawa Uniforms.

Aya: You two look great! This is fun!

Hina: Hey, how about you two try wearing Haneoka uniforms?

Maya: Yeah! Let's do this! Here You-san you can try mine.

Hina: You can try mine, Harumi-Chan.

You become very excited as she gets the uniform from Maya. Meanwhile, from being excited earlier, it seems that Harumi is becoming exhausted. Still, she joins You in changing into wearing Haneoka uniforms.

Harumi thought it will be the last but...

"Hey Harumi-Chan, try wearing Aya's dress!"

"There is a tracksuit here, why don't you try it Harumi-Chan?"

"Chisato's style will sure look cute on you, Harumi-Chan, why don't you try them?"

"Look at this weird costume, try it, Harumi-chan!"

After a dozen of outfit changes, finally, they have stopped bringing more outfits to Harumi as PasuPare needs to practice and You needs to meet up with the other Aqours members.

Harumi: I'm tired...

Harumi then fell onto the sofa and dozed off.

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