Chapter 4: Supporting Friends and Band Formation Part 2

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As soon as Kazuma accepted to become the vocalist, the class becomes wild again. It can be seen on their faces that they are very excited about the upcoming Bunkasai.

Boy student: I didn't know that [Y/N] knows how to play the bass!

Girl student: I bet that after the Bunkasai, [Y/N] will have more and more girl fans at this school!

Girl student: How lucky she is! [Y/N]'s special someone.

[Y/N] was still in front of the class shaking hands with Kazuma when their classmates again brought up [Y/N]'s popularity and the thought of him having a special someone. This caused [Y/N] to blush in front of his classmates in which they all laughed.

The day went on and as soon as the classes end, the band members decided to go to a family restaurant to talk about their upcoming performance.

Ryusei: So, what are we playing?

Harumi: That's a good question, what will we be playing?

Megumi: I'm fine with anything... I guess?

Kazuma: [Y/N], anything in mind?

[Y/N]: Fuwa Fuwa time!

Kazuma: Seriously? Have you forgotten that I will be the one who will sing?

The group then laughed because of [Y/N]'s suggestion.

[Y/N]: Just kidding! Well, let me ask all of you a question. What was the last song you played with your instrument?

Ryusei: Guren no Yumiya by Linked Horizon

Harumi: Snow Halation by μ's

Megumi: Yukitoki by Nagi Yanagi

Kazuma: Sign by Flow

[Y/N]: Well, mine is Renai Circulation by Kana Hanazawa

Kazuma: Seriously?

[Y/N]: Well, I'm just playing the bass. I'm not singing. Do you guys want to do Renai Circulation for the Bunkasai? I'm getting the hang of it.

Kazuma: No!

Megumi: Why don't we try it? It sounds fun.

Kazuma: Come on, Watanabe-san, let's get serious here.

Megumi: Megumi. Me-gu-mi. Since we're bandmates now shouldn't we call each other on a first-name basis?

Harumi: You're right! Wata-, I mean Megumi!

Ryusei: The closer the band members are to each other, the more the band will perform better! That's what my dad told me.

Kazuma: Well, even if this is just for the Bunkasai, we should do whatever we can to give the best performance.

[Y/N]: Let's give our all.

Kazuma: Before we begin again, it may be late for this but yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

The band members then exchanged greetings to each other and proceeded to continue their meeting.

Harumi: So, what will be the songs that we will be playing? We need to have 3 songs ready.

Ryusei: Four! Our audience may ask for an encore!

Megumi: HAHA! Do you think we will come to that point?

Ryusei: Of course! Well, it is better to be at least be prepared for whatever might happen.

[Y/N]: That's the spirit! Well, I was thinking. How about we go for Guren no Yumiya? Considering the hype of the anime and all.

Megumi: It may be hard but I'm fine with it!

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