Chapter Twenty-One

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"Are you feeling well, dearest?" Isabella asked, sitting opposite her daughter in the carriage. Her cheeks pinched with worry. Danika's fingers hovering above her temples. At her mother's words, her hands fell to her sides.

"I am fine, Mother."

Isabella pressed her lips together but didn't press the subject.
It had been eight days since Danika and Alexander were married. Unfortunately, he had been called back to London on business matters. Now free from Mircea's hold, Alexander needed to set up his own trade alliances. Unfortunately that meant being apart from his wife. Worse still, a letter arrived today, informing Danika that a previously agreed deal had fallen through, extending his stay by another week.
To make up for such bad tidings, Alexander send her a bouquet of daisies and orange roses each morning.

"Perhaps the events of the past few weeks has left your daughter a little worn out," a male voice said to Isabella from his seat next to her. Rohan.

A man in his early forties with salt and pepper waves down his lean shoulders, Rohan was Alexander's other senior council member. A pocket watch bearing the crescent moon and sun emblem of Muriel dangled from his fingers as he glanced at Danika. He possessed a easy going smile that distracted those from seeing the cunning intelligence shining in his honey brown eyes. The world and politics were a chessboard to him and he liked to be one step ahead at all times.

Having learned of his prince's intent to find a wife, Rohan had journeyed to London only to arrive after the wedding occurred. With Alexander's permission, Rohan arrived at the Du Carte Estate to introduce himself to Danika.
He raised a brow at Danika's words.

"Or perhaps she is missing Alexander," Rohan continued in an attempt to reassure her mother.

A flash of guilt across Danika's face as she turned her head to look out the window. She did not like to lie to her mother but until she was absolutely sure, the words would not leave her lips.

Two curving shop front windows trimmed with oatmeal white panelling and separated by a door of the same shade made up the exterior of the modiste. The carriage slowed to a halt outside and Rohan hopped out. He offered a hand as Isabella descended the carriage. She accept his help so did Danika.

Inside, rolls of chartreuse to shamrock to moss green fabrics stood on racks next to laces of lapis blue and dove grey. Indigo and peacock blue silks met shades of iris and orchid. On the other side, dandelion and canary yellow faced off against taffy pink, rose and garnet red. Trish Lafontaine wore a measuring tape as if it was the finest set of pearls around her neck. Pins and fabrics were never too far from her reach. Her midnight tresses pinned back into a chignon, a golden brooch pinned to her dress of apricot.

"Lady Du Carte," Trish said with a smile. She gripped the edges of her dress and dropped into a curtesy before Danika. "Your Majesty, it is an honour."

Danika's cheeks reddened, still unused to such an esteemed title.

Rohan quickly captured the modiste's attention, a pink sheen across her cheeks as she gave him a look over.

"Madam Lafontaine," Isabella, luring the modiste's attention back to the purpose of their visit. "My daughter requires a new gown, one for her coronation."

Rohan held out a small pouch, the modiste took it. A curious expression upon her face until she opened it and her brows shot up.

"I hope that is suffice to have the gown completed within ten days," Rohan said.

"I will endeavour to have it done," Trish answered, a flustered note in her voice. "Shall we pick a colour for the gown?"

Isabella nodded.
The council member noticed Danika rubbing at her temples again as she looked at a roll of gold Chantilly lace. A slight frown marred his features, this would not do. He reached into his pocket and retrieved a small tin box containing sweets and held it out to Danika.

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