Chapter Four

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Navy blue and grey overtook the dying rays of daylight. Curtains drawn to a close and oil lanterns lighting up the darkening streets. Danika sat on the window ledge. Her ivory nightgown billowing at her feet as she rested one cheek against the glass.
Hairpins scattered across the vanity, her hair now a loose waterfall down her back. Dangling from her fingers was the pink ribbon she bought earlier with Victoria while they were out.
"It will compliment that dress of yours that Holly spoke highly of," the Viscountess said to her young guest.

From her viewpoint, she watched as Silvio descended the step of his carriage to greet Amelia. Brushing a kiss across her hand, he whisked her away for the evening.
She continued to sit there even after she heard Victoria retire for the evening.

Her gaze flickered to the gossip sheet she left on her bed. Back home, she paid no heed to it but here, she suddenly found herself curious about the gossip surrounding the princes. Perhaps because it was a way to keep her mind off William. Well, it had until night fell causing her mood to drop again. Her confusion over his sudden coldness overwhelming her. Had she done something wrong?

Letting out a sad sigh, she rose to her feet. Grabbing her cloak, she fastened it over her nightgown. Pushing open the window, she ran a hand down her body. Skin becoming feathers of midnight black. Her transfiguration abilities activating as her body became that of a raven's. Hopping onto the window frame, she unfurled her wings and took off into the night.

A dark maze of streets and grass squares below her. A cool night breeze ruffling her feathers as Danika swooped down. A signpost revealing that she was on Boyer Street. Houses here were smaller and not quite as grand as ones on Bryant Street. Danika landed by a small group of trees that were enclosed by railings. Reverting to her human form, she rested against a tree.

Hearing a female voice, she peered out from behind the tree. It was a couple and they stood on the opposite side of the street to her. The streetlight's glow gave her a glimpse of his broad frame but his face was obscured by shadows. The woman leaned closer to her companion.

"The night is still young," the woman said. A wistful huskiness in her voice. Her lips curving into a seductive smile as her hand reached for his. The male stilled, feeling the weight of another's gaze upon him. Danika did not see it but his head did turn in her direction.

"Not tonight," he murmured, taking her hand to press a kiss to it.

The woman gave him a pout but didn't press her luck. He waited until she disappeared into her home and then began to walk towards Danika.
Seeing him approach, she ducked back behind. Her back flat against the tree, the bark pressing into her skin. Her breathing becoming uneven.

"You will not hide from me for long."
His voice a deep rumble that sent a blast of heat through her. She couldn't stop the gasp escaping her. His accent was Slavic and so similar to Silvio's...her eyes widened. By the gods it was Alexander.

He stopped a short distance away, hearing her gasp. He let out a chuckle, the sinful sound stealing the very air from her lungs. Her back seeking to blend in with the bark of the tree.

"I will find you," Alexander said, his voice low.
He closed the distance only to be surprised by a raven taking flight. Climbing higher and higher away from him. A feather floated down and he plucked it from the air. A faint scent of lavender caressing his senses. The corners of his mouth tugged upwards.

"How interesting," he said, admiring the feather.

The flight back was done at a rapid pace. Diving through the window of her room, Danika crashed down on the floor. She reverted to her human form, her breathing ragged. Confusion and arousal warring on her face as she placed a hand over her breast to steady her breathing. In her hurry to flee, she hasn't seen more than his dark brown eyes ringed with gold.

In all of her studies, only one creature had golden eyes.
A dragon. One who could take human form as he pleased. Did society know this? Those women who wishes for their daughters to marry him according to Victoria, did they know too what he truly was?

On shaky legs, Danika went to the window. She shut it and drew the curtains quickly. Hanging up her cloak, she went to her bed.
By tomorrow night, he will have forgotten all about her but just in case, she would keep her distance at the ball. After all she was always taken for.

As she lay down on her bed, it was not William's name on her mind.

It was Alexander's.

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