Chapter Seventeen

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It wasn't a kiss that awoke Danika but the slow, tender strokes of Alexander's hand across her stomach. Rolling onto her side, her nose brushed against the solid wall of his chest. Her lips tantalising close to his skin and the body that craved her.  Danika opened her mouth to say "good morning" but the words didn't leave her lips only a gasp did.

Gold covered his torso as if a painter had taken his brush to Alexander. Then with care and detail, added shadows and highlights to complete the image, scales.
Danika reached out. His skin felt warm from sleep beneath her fingertips. Her fingers following the slope up one scale and rolling down the next. Repeatedly. Alexander made a deep rumbling sound, his head falling back.

Werewolves lost control of their human form when angered or under the silver hold of a full moon.
Alexander's slipped when he let his guard down. Something he had never done around a woman in his bed. As if he did not wish to see their mostly likely fearful gaze. Danika was his mate so he took the risk and was glad he did. She looked at him not with terror but with the simple knowledge that this was who he is and she has no qualms about it.
Danika's hand ceased exploration as she rested her chin on his chest, looking up at him.

"Good morning," she said, seeing the corners of his mouth twitch upwards as he met her gaze.

"Good afternoon, my little dove," he replied, his words causing her to still.

"What? It can't be," she exclaimed. "Mrs Darcy?"

"Came in and I send her back out, not wishing to have you disturbed," he said, reaching out to stroke her cheek. Her eyes fluttering closed. "You have been through a lot, Danika and needed the rest."

She tucked an errant curl behind her ear, exposing the purple tinged reddish marks. It was a flicker in his gaze but she saw it none the less. Guilt.

"Alexander," she said softly. "The fault isn't yours. Part of it lies at my doorstep. I was the one who accepted his false claim of marriage which began everything."

Danika held up a hand, silencing the words on Alexander's lips.

She continued, "Yet one good thing came out of all of this. William's deceit pushed me out of his arms and into yours and I really don't want to leave them."

"Danika," he rasped, his voice filled with utter adoration for this woman, his mate.

He rolled onto his back, taking her with him. Danika's legs straddling him, his hands splayed across her thighs. He saw the momentarily apprehension in her expression as she was seated atop him. He wiped it all away with a thorough kiss.

"What you like to do, today?" Alexander asked when they broke apart. Danika's hands on his shoulders, her fingers caressing him.

"We could go to Evie's Teashop on Delta Street. I haven't been there in a while and their cakes are really quite divine...."
Her cheeks reddened. Her words revealing her love for cakes that many considered to be unbecoming for a lady.

Alexander's hands moved upwards, following the curves and dips of her body with an almost fervent touch. Danika willingly gave in to his caresses. He made a deep rumbling sound of appreciation as he did so.

"Danika, I have a stunning woman sitting on my chest who I wish to spoil. You and if eating cake makes you happy then I have no intention of stealing that happiness from you."

Evie's Teashop sat on the corner of Delta Street. An obsidian sign heralding Evie's name in white hand painted letters swayed in the light afternoon breeze. Peonies, a pop of colour against the hickory brown door. The soft chime of a bell greeting Danika and Alexander as they stepped foot inside. Walnut brown tables surrounding the large counter. Chairs in the same shade with butterscotch cushions. The tables offering room for two or four people.

Most were occupied saved for a few in the far corner. Spanning the width of the counter was the main attraction, cakes. Propped on stands and set upon doilies. Some were decorated in various shades of icing; lilacs, coral and lemon. Cream, a popular filling inside most of the cakes. A selected few had their top layer drizzled with chocolate.

Four older ladies with feathers in their high crowned hats and pearls adorning their necks paused mid scones and conversation, seeing Alexander.
Danika chose a table while he ordered. Evie herself was behind the counter. The woman's rosy cheeks growing brighter as he spoke to her, her head bobbling.

Alexander walked over afterwards with a smile on his smile. Danika arched a brow.

"What are you so happy about?"

"Wait and see," he said, settling himself into his chair. 

Evie appeared minutes later, carrying a large tray in her hands. Danika's eyes went wide. No, he did not...

"Here we are, my lovelies. One afternoon tea and our tea of the today, lemon," Evie said, placing the four tiered stand between them on the table. Saucers and cups following. Steaming cups of tea were poured and then Evie to attend to her latest customers; three young ladies in need of a respite from a shopping excursion.

"Alexander," Danika said, her gaze taking in the sight of finger sandwiches, cream puffs, small wedges of flaky pastry favourites and macaroons. Each tier garnished with a dollop of fresh cream and summer fruits. "This is lovely, thank you."

"Anything for you," he replied.
Looking pleased, Alexander leaned back in his chair. One hand close to his face as he watched his mate's fingers hovering over the sweet treats before selecting a finger sandwich.
Once done eating, she went to make her second selection, something sweet. Her hand falling back as she looked at Alexander.

"You cannot expect me to eat all of this by myself. Please, help yourself. Or do dragons not like sweet things. Should we have ordered one with the finest cuts of beef, mutton, chicken and I am drawing a blank for the top." A smile playing on her lips. 

The thought of Danika being on top was quite appealing to him. He would leave her until last, savouring the sight before taking a mouth watering taste. Desire dancing behind a curtain of amusement in his eyes.

"Danika, I am not a complete beast. I do eat other things." He hooked one ankle over one knee.

"Such as?" Danika asked, selecting a small wedge of apple crumble. She gestured to the stand in the process. He gave each sweet treat a cursory glance.
Her spoon breaking through the golden brown crust on her plate. Alexander's nostrils flared at the scent of apple. His gaze flicked down to her selection then back to her face.

"Cakes are not a favourite of mine. Pies are. Fillings such as apple, beef and blackberry."

Having noticed his reaction, she scooped up a piece of crumble. "Well here, try this."

She held up her spoon. Her lips parting as his mouth closed over the silver metal, remembering the branded heat those sinful lips left across her skin. He pulled back, chewing.
He is just eating, her mind tried to rationalise but her body thought otherwise.

"Well?" She asked, trying to hide the breathless note in her voice behind a mouthful of apple crumble.

"It was nice," he answered, amusement taking its respectful exit.

She scanned the tiers. "Try this."

In her hand was a square of Victorian sponge. A thin layer of jam between the layers and the cake was topped by cream and a strawberry. Handing it to him, she went to pull her hand back. Alexander caught her by the wrist. The cake fell to the table. A blob of cream on her thumb. He regarded it then lowered his head. She couldn't stop the gasp escaping as his mouth sealed over the cream blob. A slow, long lick. His gaze pinning her in place.

He released her thumb but not her wrist, his fingers encircling her skin in slow strokes.

"They are sweet but none are the sweetness I desire. No, that my little dove is you," Alexander's voice a sensual growl that sent shiver of desire down her spine.

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