Chapter Thirteen

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Returning to the parlour, Isabella gestured for him to sit as she closed over the door. Alexander took his seat on a threadbare chair of garnet red. A beige cushion propped against one armrest. As his fingers brushed the soft upholstery, he paused. The scent of lavender enveloping him. This was Danika's chair.
His gaze flickered to an end table next to the chair.

A book was lying there; open and flipped on its dog eared pages. The title on its chestnut brown cover worn away by time and fingerprints. Curious, he picked it up being mindful that the spine was hanging by sheer will and a fraying thread. Flipping it over, he saw an illustration of a fire-breathing dragon, its body wound around a stone tower. Had his mate been curious about his true form?

"I must thank you for the kindness you showed my daughter at the ball," Isabella said, easing herself into her chair.

The book went down again.
She clasped her hands on her lap, meeting his gaze.

"When so many others would not. Thank you, Alexander," she said, her voice warm.

He nodded in acknowledgement.

A short pause as Isabella gathered her thoughts.
"There is something you know about our family. My great, great grandmother was also born with the power to become any animal she saw or change her appearance at will. When the time came for her to marry, she wed a human. They had a child who grow up and did the same and the cycle continued. By the time Danika was born, I truly thought the line had become completely mortal. Imagine my surprise when my little girl turned into a raven after spotting one nesting in the trees above us."

A smile filled with nostalgia touched Isabella's lips. Then it faltered.

"Though Danika was blessed with the ability of transfiguration, her diluted bloodline means she will age and die as a human does. If she is with child, the babe will be immortal because of your blood. I never thought to tell her of the mating bond." Her voice growing quiet. "Because I didn't think she would find him in time but she has. However, I will not begrudge you, Alexander if the pain of one day losing her is too much to bear and you do decide to walk away."

A silence descended over the room.

Alexander leaned forwards. One hand resting in the other's palm, his gaze on them.
"She is not the only one with a clock ticking down on their lives. When the Voivode of Wallachia blood bound me to him, he did irreversible damage to my heart. It continues to beat to my relief but it won't last indefinitely. That is why I want to spend how ever many days I have left with Danika. I need my mate, Isabella." His voice shaking.

Danika's mother looked at the dragon who would drop to his knees willingly for her daughter. Her fingers tapping against her chair's armrest.

"Words will not be enough," she said softly. "Act, Alexander. Show her your care is not a fleeting kindness."

Danika did not re-appear for the evening. Her bedroom door remained shut. She was lying on her bed, huddled beneath the tartan blanket of hers. Guilt had finished its lashing and had sat back, leaving her heart in pieces. She had been trying so hard to please everyone and somehow it never succeed. Failure seems to be a constant wave crashing into her. Eventually the stronger wave of sleep dragged her under.

She awoke to sunlight streaming across her face as Mrs Darcy, the housekeeper pulled back the curtains. Once dressed in a muslin dress of sky blue, Mrs Darcy drew Danika's hair back into a chignon. As usual, an errant curl brushed her cheek.
Descending the stairs, she walked towards the dining room. At the door, her feet skidded to a halt.

When Gerald was alive, he liked to sit opposite Isabella with Danika at one the end and the head of the table's seat left empty. Today however, Alexander was occupying it. One arm propped on the armrest. His thumb rubbing against the middle joint of his index finger. A plate of food untouched before him as if he was waiting for her arrival.

She took a deep breath, steadying her sudden onset of nerves. Alexander turned his head and saw her but Danika kept her gaze averted. She took her seat with a quick "good morning" to her mother. Aware of his gaze as she reached for her breakfast, her hands shaking. She risked a glance at him and saw that his focus had switched to his food.

A short while later, she heard Alexander's chair being pushed back. Danika kept her eyes on her breakfast. He moved around the table and next thing she knew, two strips of bacon landed on her plate of summer fruits. She regarded them for a moment, a slight frown on her face. Then she turned to Alexander. "I don't eat bacon."

"It is not for you," he replied.

"Oh," she said. A shake of her head. "We don't even know if I am with child yet."

"True," Alexander said. "But I want to give our heir the best start should it come to pass that you are in fact with child." His dark gaze piercing her as he said the word "our."

Isabella hid her smile behind her teacup as she watched their exchange.
Danika looked away from his gaze, her cheeks reddening.

"I-I have been thinking," Danika said, rolling a raspberry around her plate having pushed the bacon strips to the edge in the process. "Should it transpire that I am indeed with child, I will marry you to legitimise the heir."

Alexander stilled, his fork in his hand. "And if you are not?"

"I will marry Lord Galton."
His fork clattered against his plate. Oh like hell was he letting that happen.

"Very well," he replied smoothly. "I will agree to this deal if you accept my term."

His words wiping away her triumphant smile.

"Which is?" She asked, a wariness in her voice.

"Until we know for certain whether you are pregnant or not, you will allow me to court you and it starts in two days' time when I return from London." He didn't want to leave but business on Mircea's behalf took precedent. Not for much longer.

She considered the term. "Alright I agree."

Alexander got up and walked over, holding out his hand. She took it and he brought it up to his lips.

"We have a deal then," he said, brushing a kiss across her knuckles. At the same time, he snatched her bacon much to her surprise.

"Well, you were not going to eat it. Though next time, I will insist upon it," Alexander said, taking a bite as he headed to the front door, Humphrey following him out.

She turned to her mother.
"What, Mother? Danika asked, seeing Isabella's smile.

"My dear, you spoke to Alexander, a prince of all things with ease. Something even other gentlemen find hard to do given who he is."

Danika opened her mouth but no words left her lips.

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