
Why was this happening? Why did things have to get worse as soon as they were getting better? Why the hell was she here?

The list was endless.

Goddammit, Gabriel. There's only one reason why she would be back. It's been in humanities genetics for centuries. It's what makes man man. The only species to be at each other's throats and tear each other down rather than build each other up. You shouldn't be surprised.

It was the third time she had appeared in my life.

I stared blankly forward.

Once was chance, twice was a coincidence, third times was a pattern.

A pattern that seemed to consistently end in my ruination. A pattern that tore at my world and left me building everything back up with sand from its broken foundation digging beneath my fingernails.

My steel eyes focused on the wall ahead of me in the analysis.

It was true.

Every time she had step foot into my life, a hole has seemed to appear on deck and the boat had come sinking further and further down.

That day in the club.

That day in the classroom.

And now.

The corner of my lip twitched up in a smile of sheer mockery.

Well, if there was one thing I was certain of, it was that that pattern was going to come to an abrupt end. That was undeniable. There was no chance of a third time if I was no longer the same person that she had met almost two years ago. There was no chance of destruction if there was no chance of connection.

I didn't know if it was because of the fact I wasn't entirely sober yet, but I laughed a short cold sound at that thought.

Connection? My, still got a sense of humour, I see.

A connection was thankfully impossible. I'd killed off the version of me she knew 6 months ago and reviving that link was something I knew better than to do.

Besides, I was certain that there was going to be one person latching onto me to make sure that there was no chance at reconciliation.

I glanced at my phone when I got an email.

I'm writing to regretfully inform you that your modelling contract to represent our brand has been terminated given your recent actions. We feel as if you no longer share the same values that we deem integral to our foundation and-

Christ. Well, there went fashion week.

My pinkish lips pressed together tightly. Oddly enough, the empty feeling in my heart towards my parents was no longer there. It was replaced with a loathing that I thought I'd never have the capacity to feel again.

Finally forcing my legs up, I stumbled my way out towards my bedroom, searching for my phone on the messed up bed sheets. I glanced at the time and swore under my breath.

It was 10.48 am meaning I'd already missed almost two lessons. History and Economics; both of which I'd been dedicating hours towards to improve my grade.

Not good.


"Gabriel, where are you? I've called you like 20 times."



"27 times. You've called me 27 times," I repeated monotonously, pulling out a grey Ted Baker suit and a shirt from my wardrobe and laying it out on the bed before walking towards the bathroom. "Can I have a lift to school? At break. If you can pick me up."

The Taste of Silver | Fortune's Fool #2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें