Sudden caught in act with Mang Danny

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At early morning, Mang Danny woke up to take coffee, he intentionally entered the room of his son as well as to his visitor to personally inform them that their coffee is already prepared on the table.

He is supposedly to knock at the door but he found it out that it was not closed that is why he directly entered with his son's room. When he's inside, he was shock to what he have seen inside.

"Oh my gosh, what's this!",as he said amazingly.

"Father, what are you doing here inside my room? ..... Oh my gosh, let me explain to you father.... Me and Gregory inlove with each other that why agreed voluntarily to express our intimate feelings through this activity which you have seen right now, I'm just hoping that you will understand and respect our relationship", as he expressed his opinion.

"Exactly Mang Danny, I love your son he loves me too... I'm just hoping that your will respect our relationship that we have endulge right now",as Gregory explained to Mang Danny.

"Well, I have nothing to do against with that, as much as both of you were happy on your decision making then go for it, cause I won't allow myself to be a hendrance of your happiness.... And besides I myself could relate on your relationship cause I have tried it before during my adolescents stage it is no nice and interesting to interfere with that kind of relationship", as he narrated it briefly.

"Thank you father for accepting our relationship", as he said.

"Thank you Mang Danny... But I hope that you will not tell this to my parents Mang Danny, I'm sure that once they knew it, I might be repel by them", as Gregory approach to Mang Danny.

"Don't worry Sir Gregory, I really understand your situation, and besides your very nice with us and it's so ackquard that I will repay you in such a negative way.

" Thank you Mang Danny", as he said.

Because of Mang Danny's benediction to their relationship, Gregory is no longer ashamed with them, he treated them as their newly family, whenever his parents were out of town, he used to visited his bf's house and brought them some grocery items.

Mang Danny is so proud with Gregory's generosity. He even reminded his son most of the time to avoid flirting with somebody else because he is too voted with Gregory to be his lover.

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