Chapter 36

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Niannas pov

Its been and hour so I went up to see if Cohen and Vallyk have agreed to get along yet. I opened the door and they fell on me.

"Rude" I said. "Well you locked us in there" Cohen said annoyed "well did you finally make up" "yea we did" Vallyk said. Cohen got up and went downstairs.

"So what did you guys talk about" "well a lot. but it's all good now" "ok but you do know. One more argument and you have to leave" "yea yea I know" "ok."

Cohen's pov

"Babyyyyyyy" Marco said as I sat next to him. He hugged me then went back to eating nutella. "You should really stop eating" I said. "I can't." "Well Tony said you should stop so you should" "I dont give a fuck. I dont give a fuck that fucked two fucks about what he says. I'm hungry so I'm gonna eat and if he doesnt like it then fuck him too" "someone's mad" Mike said. "Nah more like on his period" I looked behind Mike and Aya was there. "OMG BESTIEEE" I yelled I got up and hugged her. "How have you been. its been forever" she asked. "Well that's Marco my boyfriend and he is possibly pregnant and is being mean. Then hes sad. Then he wants to kill me the rest of the day" "Cohen what have you done"

She walked over to Marco and they looked at each other. "Hi I'm Aya. Me and Cohen are old friends" "Baby why didn't you tell me you have friends." "Angel is right there" I said pointing to Angel who was eating pizza. "Dont put me on his anger list" he said. "Anyways I'm Marco. Why are you friends with Cohen. Did you guys date? How long have you been friends? Did you ever have a crush on him? Do you have a crush on him? How did you guys meet? Why didn't he tell me about you? Are you planning to kill us all? Why are you here? Am I ugly?" "I'm friends with home because I'm Mikes friends sister. No I never have and never will have a crush on him. We didn't date. We met through Mike and Derek. I dont know why he didn't tell you about me. No I'm not going to kill you. I'm here because I'm a girl and I'm suppose to help you and Cohen. And you are not ugly you are beautiful" "I LOVE HER" He yelled. He hugged her then they just sat there talking.

"I feel like this house is full of kids under eight teen now. I'm the only adult here and I dont like it" Mike said. "Well you keep letting more people stay. And at least we all have someone to talk to now" "ok true. Oh and Tony said to call him" "alrighty"

I went upstairs to my room. And called Tony


C- I was told to call you

T- well I heard there us a bunch of people at your house so not the best time to do it. So come to the hospital and we can just do some test

C- when

T- is later ok

C- it is I'll go tell Marco

T- oh can I talk to him. Mike Told me ge broke his phone

C- yea he threw it at the wall

T- wow.

C-ok here he is.

I handed Marco the phone

M- Marco

M- what do you want

T- how have you been

M- I liked it better when I was just hungry but now I simply just want everyone to die but if they die there would be no one here to tell all my problems to but my only problem would be that I want that I want everyone to die

T- very descriptive

M- yea. I wanna go to sleep now

T- well you can't because I need to see you and Cohen layer today


T- ok is there a problem

M- Nope I just wanted to yell

T- i- um ok see you later

M- bye bye

~call ends~

(Still Cohens pov)

"Here's you phone" he put his hand out like he was going to give it to me but instead he threw it. "Anyways let's go" I said before grabbing my phone and his arm. As we walked to the door I grabbed Mikes arm and left the house.

"Hospital" I said as we got in the car. We bukled up and he pulled off. "Stop being mean" Marco said "i-" "its not worth it Cohen" Mike said.

Once we got to the hospital I saw Tony and we followed him to a room. "Stay here. I have to go somewhere for a hour" he said. He shut the door and locked it. "Why are you so mean to me" Marco asked "how am I mean. You chased me around the house with a chair over a burger" "I never got my  Burger did I" "whatever" "don't say whatever to me. You act like your the one who has fifty mood swings" "well it surely feels like it when I have to take care of a person who has them" "Shut the fuck up"

I grabbed him by his cheek and made him face me. "Stop with the attitude" I said very firmly. "Make me" I raised my eyebrow and smirked.

A/n what's y'all favorite color????😃👍

Song: rude boy

Quote: LISTEN WE DONT SIMP. WE PIMP. but you do you

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