Chapter 24

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Few days later

Cohen's pov

I woke up and Marco was in my arms. I got up carefully and got dressed into my usual hoodie and sweat pants. I went downstairs and saw Mike already went to work. I sat on the couch then got a call from Nia



N-hey you seem in a good mood

C-yep. Mike already left if that's why your calling

N-oh I called to ask is you can watch the kids for a few days

C-i- um I don't know

N-its fine. All you have to do is feed them and get them cleaned up and dressed. Also put them to sleep for a nap and for bed.

C-ill ask the rest of them about it.

N-oh and Mike said he had to leave some where so he won't be home for a  few days

C-oh ok.

N-well text me when you have an answer

C-ok byee


~call ends~

I got up and went to my room. I saw Marco awake so I went and sat next to him. "I have news" I said. "What is it?" "Well Nia wants to know if we can watch the kids for a while" "as in like a few hours while or days while" "a few days"

He went silent for a second the said "I guess. Why not" "ok I'll tell her. And what do you want for breakfast. Mikes not gonna be home for a few days so I'm gonna ask jiggy to drive us to get food" "umm Denny's" "ok"

I left the room and went to Jiggys. I knocked on the door because in not trying to interrupt anything.😏 "Come in" I came in and Alex and Jiggy were just cuddling on his bed. "Well Nia said we gotta watch the kids for a few days. Mikes not gonna be home for a few days. So can you drive us to get breakfast and get the kids" "ummm sure but I'm not gonna watch them all day everyday." "Well we can do every twelve hours we switch" "ok well get out so I can get dressed and tell Nia I'm on the way" "ok"

I left the room and went back to mine. I sat on the bed and called Nia again.



C-ok so we agreed we will watch them and jiggy and Alex will take turn switching with me and Marco every twelve hours. We are on the way to Denny's so you can meet us there

N-ok. They haven't ate yet so that works. I'll give you some money to feed them and I'll pay you guys for watching them

C-ok thanks

N-see ya

C-bye see ya

~call ends~

Marco walked out the bathroom dressed so we went downstairs. Jiggy and Alex were already down there so we all went to the car. Me and Marco had to sit in the vack. We got in and bukled in before Jiggy pulled off.

Once we got to Denny's I saw Nia's car there. I got out the car and went to hers. "Oh hey Cohen" she said getting Kaden out. "Heyyy" "well I'm sorry but I have to go so here is 1k and I'll call you when they need picked up. They should have clothes at your house and I don't know about shoes so I just gave them all black shoes because they match with everything. " "ok bye"

She waved and got in her car. Me and the kids went up to the side walk and went inside. Once I saw the boys we walked over to them. "Aww they are so cute" Alex said. "Well you not" Nyra said make everyone laughed but Alex. "Shes mean" Alex said. I sat the kids down at the booth then sat next to Marco.

Jiggy.       Cohen.
Alex.        Marco
     Walk way

"Why he ugly Jig" Nyra said. "Nyra stop being mean" "meanie"

"Can I take your order" the waitress said. She looked not to far from me or Jiggys age. "Well them three can have a leamonade and I'll have a water" Jiggy said. "I'll have lemonade" Alex said. "Can I have hot chocolate" Marco said. "Um a water" I whispered to Marco. I don't like talking to people that I don't know personally. "And he wants a water" Marco said. "Ok that'll be here in a a second"

She walked away and Nyra said. "She pretty"  then I looked at Jiggy and he looked at me in a 'what did she say' look. "Ohhhh Nyra wants a girlfriend" Alex said. "Omg she would be so cute as a bottem" Marco said. "Omg she woulddd" Alex and Marco were just talking about that while Me and Jiggy were listening to what Nyra was saying. "I want her be my girlfriend. But she a bigger kid so I need new girlfriend that littler like me" "you sure" Jiggy said rising his eyebrows. "Yep."

"Kenny is my boyfriend" Kaden said. "Are you kiddin me Kaden you say it was a secret" Kenny said making us laugh. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say it." "Well its to late now dummy" then Kenny smacked his forehead. "Hey dont be mean" Jiggy said while Alex and Marco were still laughing.

"Ok here are your drinks. Are you ready to order" the waitresses said handing us our drinks. "Ok I want the........."

~at home~

We got the kids out the carseats and took them inside. It was around 3:00 pm because we had took them to the park. "I wanna nap" Nyra said. "Then go lay down" "no you gotta sing a song dummy" "i-" "whatever I'll tell ugly man to do it. People can't do anything these days" she said walking away making us laugh.

"Ugly man. Sing me song so I can go sleep" "that's not my name" "well it is today. And das not my problem" "this kid needs a nice ass whooping" "You can't get me fatty" she started running around and Alex was chasing her. 

Once he  caught her he picked her up and sat her on the couch. "I'm not having kids" he said out of breath. "You can't eve- you know what imma stop and let you do you" Marco said. "Thank you Marco"

Then he picked up Nyra and stated rocking her. Soon she fell asleep and he took her upstairs. I looked over and Kaden and Kenny were asleep so Me and Jiggy carried then to their room.

I went back downstairs and sat next to Marco and we watched a movie.

A/n young love💕 not really proofread

Quote: the younger you fall in love the more broken you will be in life.

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