"He's picking flowers" I gasp. "Ah, geez" Jay sighed. Manny got back into the car. We all went home and Manny got changed into his silk shirt. Then we headed to the mall. We was walking up the stairs and Manny stopped in the middle. "Brenda Feldman" He gasped. He was holding the freshly picked flowers and some yellow paper.

"What is that you have Manny"? I ask pointing to the paper. "A poem I've written for Brenda Feldman" He answers. "Of course it is" Jay sighsl "I have put my thoughts into words and my words into action" Manny says looking at the photo booth were Brenda worked.

"Hey, I'll give you fifty bucks not to do this" Jay offered Manny. "I'm eleven years old. What am I going to do with money"? Manny questioned sarcastically before walking away. "What are you going to do with a sixteen year old"? Jay asked. "A Bullfighter" Gloria gasps as Manny walked towards the photo booth. "You ever seen a bullfighter"? Jay asked Gloria. "I can't watch this" Jay sighed. I sighed, I was some sort proud of Manny's confidence, he didn't even look nervous.

"You're in such a bad mood, and I know why. It's because that man thought you were my father" Gloria told Jay. "No" Jay scowled. "Yes" Gloria sighed. "No" Jay whined. "When you say 'no' like that it's always 'yes'". Gloria argued. "Come on were in the mall. Let's get you and your daughter some younger clothes" Gloria said excitedly before Jay cut her off "I don't need any younger clothes and I don't care as to what some jackass in a pair of ripped jeans thinks about me" Jay argued.

"Good, you shouldn't" I added, I think they sort of forgot I was here because they jumped when I spoke. "Yeah you should only care what I think and I don't care how old you are, just stop being a gloomy goose, stop being so hard on Manny" Gloria protested. "The only reason I'm hard on Manny is because I want to see him make a fool of himself" Jay sighed. "And I can smell that hair goo of his from here" Jay whined.

"Look, I don't know what is going to happen to him over there, but your his family now and that means one thing. You be the wind in his back not the spit in his face"! Gloria warned. "What"? Jay questioned. "Something my mom always says" Gloria replied. "Mine did too, It's gorgeous is Spanish" I said butting into the conversation. "Look he's there"! I gasped pointing at Manny walking down the stairs. He looked upset, I already knew how this went. We all walked up to him. "She has a boyfriend" Manny sighed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, mi Niño" Gloria apologized. "Yeah sorry Manny" I added hugging him. We both let go of the hug as Manny spoke. "I gave her my heart, She gave me a picture as an old time sheriff" Manny sighs turning the black card around to reveal a picture of him as an old time sheriff. "That was pretty stupid of me wasn't it" Manny sighed looking at the floor. "No mi amore, It was brave. Right, Jay? Brave" Gloria asked for Jay to back her up.

"Uh, you'll know better next time. Come on let's go shopping for Julie and get a pretzel" Jay added. That was not what Gloria wanted him to say. Gloria just shook her head. She said something to Manny in Spanish.

We were walking to the pretzel kiosk and then a cop stopped Jay. "Excuse me, sir. We ask all mall walkers stay to the right" The police officer demanded pointing to a group of old mall walkers. The Jay hesitantly walked into the store next to us as we started to shop for me. We quickly hurry up and finish up and go home and get changed. Manny stayed in his outfit as his clothes are all pretty formal. I got changed into this:

 I got changed into this:

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐓- 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora