author's notes.

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hi okay welcome to what's going to be my entire writing career for the probable next four years :D

i never made this public or made any announcements on this book until very recently, but to be honEstttt

i've been planning this book since around the end of january 2021

whicHHH was months before i ended lighthearted (march). i might as well fill you all in on what this books gonna be about and some basic notes and information before i begin ; )

now, most of my books have been tightly based on happy go lucky characters and stories. my two bigger novels, locating spirit and lighthearted, were more of what i would call a "happy" book. of course, yes, there were themes that were more on a darker side, but they were for the most part friendly looking books.

i wanted to try writing something different.

i think it was around january or early february when i really started getting into more mystery tv shows and content. ive been obsessing over murder mysteries and thriller dramas, and it's really caught my attention on something new i could write about. i wanted to expand my writing genres, what i'm trying to say. and that's exactly where this book comes in.

most of you have probably heard of the great sherlock holmes, i assume.

if you haven't then what the hell man.

u suck.

no pls don't yell at me iM KIDDING IM KIDDING PLS LMAO

anyways moving on u guys don't suck ily pls don't leave

this book will be the first of a four part book series. i suppose you could think of the separate books as separate seasons to this story, if you're thinking of it like a tv show. which, would probably be the best way to imagine it.

so this is season one, hi, welcome to season one :D

to put things in short, i'm taking a tv show ive been watching since november 2020 and making a trolls version of the ENTIRE show.

which show?

why sherlock of course.

bbc sherlock in case u were wondering shHSHAH

ive been obsessed with creating a trolls crossover or version of this show and recreating it in my own way. there's a lot of things ive been excited to write, especially in the trolls world. this has probably been my most self-anticipated book ive ever written yet :D

i started planning this around the endddd of january like i said, right around when i actually first got the idea. i did a LOT of big planning throughout february and had the main concept of the series down. since then i've been slowly adding in some more ideas and concepts. and this basically leads me to where i am nOW

before i stop blabbering on and rambling there are some important things i need to make clear first.

- there will be some language in this series. if you aren't comfortable with cussing or swearing, i suggest not reading this book. i plan on only using mild language, though, nothing extreme

- if you are uncomfortable with scenes or mention of blood, murder, possibly drugs, suicide, death, etc etc, then i also don't suggest reading this book. somewhat graphic scenes will, for most of the time, be described clearly. (still not completely sure about this yet, so just be warned)

yes i realize that sounds like this book is going to be some gorey hellish horror but trust me it's a mystery story ✋😭

-  all in all my personal age recommendation is 11+ (i am taking out some of the more mature scenes of the show, but what is listed above will remain.) if you can handle the topics above, though, then be my guest and continue reading :D

lilith. {series one}Where stories live. Discover now