As for my hair I went for half up half down pigtails. Too childish I know but, it looked cute!

I put on a back bag and walked down stairs.

"NOAH!"  I yelled wanting to know if he's ready yet. 



"WILL YOU STOP YELLING!!" Evangeline interrupted us again.

I chuckled to myself as I walked towards the car.

I got in and started the engine. It took Noah about 10 minutes to come, and then we drove off.


"Lucas for the last freaking time I'm warning you!" I said glaring at him "if you dare take one more fry I will make you regret it!"

"oh really?" He asked with that same stupid smirk on his face , and then he grabbed the whole fries plate and ate it all up.

"oh god, you just took the worst decision ever Lucas" Noah said backing away " I don't wanna witness what is just about to happen"

"LUCAS YOU DUMBASS!!" I yelled running after him.

In the mall

I started running after him until I tackled him onto the floor.

"HOW DARE YOU EAT MY FRIES" I yelled threatening him with a chair I found next to me.

"woah woah, calm down!" he said trying to escape my grasp.

"DON'T ASK ME TO CALM DOWN! YOU-" I started but then I was cut off but Noah pulling me off him.

"calm down Amber ill get you another pack of fries" he said carefully taking the chair from between my hands.

"but I wanted theseeeee" I pouted.

Lucas stood up  shoveling the dirt off his trousers.

"Wow, who could've known how aggressive a teenager could turn to, just for a packet of French fries"

I shot him daggers. Actually if looks were able to kill Lucas would've probably been dead by now.

"Guys chill!" Noah said face palming "You act as if you're a 3 years old children fighting over some candy!"

"Alright alright calm down" Lucas said chuckling.

That boy's got a nerve.

"oh by the way!" Noah exclaimed happily "I've been invited to a party!and I want you two to come with me!"

"Nah, I don't do parties" I said.

"Yeah cause she's a nerd" Lucas mumbled looking at me.

I glared again at him.

"You know, I thought the day I decided to go to my aunt's funeral was the worst decision I've ever made looking back, being friends with you is" I bursted out realizing what I said a bit too late.

"Your aunt's funeral?" Noah and Lucas said raising their eyebrows at me.

"Forget it" I said as I walked away.

I started crying at the thought of my foster parents.

Even though they weren't actually my biological parents they treated me better than anyone else could.

And they raised me since I was only a few months old.

Noah quickly came behind me and noticed my tears.

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