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he drew the curtains fast and flung the trash present on the couch towards the beany bag and plopped himself there firmly. his ears standing straight like bunny ears, desperate to hear the most anticipated topic of the day.

"-and another thing which has been blowing up every social media in every country has empowered the teens of the whole world raise their voices against child abuse, even the mothers are rapidly either defending or are against the case.

A girl of age 17 had deliberately stabbed her whole family, and she proudly admits the crime, on March 20th with a kitchen knife and didn't stop until she had completely disfigured her mother's face, she didn't stop at this, and destroyed the whole house with the blood and dragged the corpse of her mother to her sister's grave before bringing the marriage ring of her mother to her father and confessing the crimes.

this behavior of her wasn't normal and she says she had a clear reason for every single thing she did. the reasons have shocked the psychiatrists and have left them with no words.

here's a short audio tape of what she said during the confession.

'you are saying that your mother abused you but we don't see any scars or anything how can we believe you?

instead of believing the one who was the victim, you are believing the silent abusers? you don't see any scars because after grandma came her and father vanished, she stopped. grandma was the only one kind to me after *beep*.

if she was kind to you, then why did you kill her?

think from the criminal's mind *beep* ! she gave me hope, false hope and i don't like people who give false-stop touching me!!

still killing wasn't the option, you will receive severe punishment for it.

comforting myself with silence when im suffering from injustice is not my thing and if I have to receive punishment for speaking up in my own way and then go *beep* *beep beep beep*!! '

the world is confused on who to support and who to defend. it was cruel of her to commit the crime of murdering the ones who brought her into this world and on the other hand, it was heartless of her mother to beat her since childhood. the police don't have solid evidence on this topic but the evidence might come by tomorrow morning.

the girl's friends have claimed that she had a history of bursting up in anger in school multiple times and they drifted away from her when she had discussed her thoughts with them. they claimed that her 'dark' thoughts still haunt them.


he rolled the glass with water in it, observing the water come up and down, hitting the walls of glass-like tides of the ocean. he dropped the tablet in it. his eyes shimmered in darkness, with what, only the darkness knows, while his tongue wetted his lips. he liked the way it dissolved in the water, so beautiful. he thought.

"Mr. wall's proud of you, my candy" taehyung hissed in pleasure when the liquid his taste buds, and as soon as the blaring alarm went off in his apartment, taehyung cheered a little and crawled towards the wall he shared with the girl, giggling and leaned against it.

"Will you be my Mr. wall, candy?"


(do not apply your brain just imagine yourself in the situation and figure out the pressure. the mist will get cleared soon, if it doesn't then I'll pack my bags and leave. you asked for an unexPEcTED ending, now suffer:( I have another ending in my drafts im sure it's cringy but cute. taehyung deserves a big novel written on him and his dreamy aura.)

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