Home. Such a little word, but such a big meaning.

I slid my cell phone back into my jacket pocket, auto pilot working so well that I could not recall what I was doing or how to process what was happening at this moment.

That teenage boy looks just exactly like Reese.

"Would you like a bottle of water, sir?"  A bright voice purred next to me and I looked up, meeting the eyes of a pretty blonde attendant who smiled but did not have the same draw as the stunning brunette.

"Yes, thank you," I responded as the bathroom door opened, the boy stepping out and nearly colliding with my new companion.

"I am so sorry, young man!" she exclaimed in a pitch that made me wince.  Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him making a similar face and hid a grin before taking the bottle she handed my direction.  The boy stopped, leaning against the wall and pausing a moment. I had anticipated he would head right back to his seat so paid attention to see what he intended to do.

He took a deep breath then hesitantly shifted his weight between both feet before shyly asking, "Ma'am?" to the attendant.

She turned his direction and smiled, "Yes, what can I help you with?"

The boy froze, meeting my eyes in panic, but I smiled and nudged my head forward to encourage him along.  He seemed to warm a little and let out a breath before continuing quietly, "May... please... Please may I have two waters for me and my sister?  Please?"

Naturally she said yes, passing two water bottles to him, and I nodded my head with a wide grin in approval.  

The moment just felt so raw and natural.  

I was thrilled to see the smile of relief on his face, while he seemed glad to have conquered his apparent shyness.  The chorus of "what a sweet boy" and "you're just such a good brother, aren't you?" seemed a dull roar as our eye contact hung a moment.

Something about this boy caught a piece of me that had been gone for a long time. 

A piece I thought died.

A piece I watched die.

The attendant reminded him to return to his seat and get buckled up so he did as instructed.  I watched intently as the boy handed the bottles to his sister, her clear pride at his courage apparent as was the love they had for one another.  Their connection close connection could be seen even from my seat way across the train car and it broke my heart.

I just miss him.

Bzz Bzz

My hand instinctively found my cell phone again, auto pilot still managing my motor functions as my mind considered this new pair I was able to watch from my seat. I noticed the notification was a work email from my boss and gave an ironic chuckle before swiping to open.

**Good morning, Remington,

Thank you for your confirmation message,

The two week sabbatical is, of course, approved, and your work from home request is also approved after that time if needed.  I caution you against taking time beyond that if you have hope of a career here beyond this position.

Please give our best to your father,

Greg Stevens

Corporate Division Management

Blythefield and Sons

Atlanta, GA**

The guttural groan that left my body hummed through my sinuses, my head pounding as we continued to climb through the mountains as well.  Yearning for distraction, my eyes found the brother and sister from earlier.  I was drawn to their strong connection.  The way she gently held his hand... no... she held his wrist.  It was a gentle touch, one done intentionally.

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