Torture and escape

Start from the beginning

and sit up

"Ahhhhhh fuck." I said in pain

First thing I noticed is that I don't have my hat and my chest hurts

I look around and see that we're in the dark

*Rapid gun fire*

"What's going on out there? And where are we?"I ask

"1 some kind of conflict, 2 we are in a train car, those bastards are not what they say they are" Abraham says

*gun fire slowly stopped*

I hear maybe 3 sets of footsteps outside

*door lever moving*

I take some steps back

The door opens and I see a shine of light

A male figure walks in and 2 others, and eventually 1 more

Me and Glenn step forward a few

"Rick?" Me and Glenn say in unison

"Your here, your here." Rick says as he looks at the new members

"They're our friends, they helped save us" Maggie says

"Yeah, now they're friends of ours" Daryl says

"For however long that'll be." Abraham says bluntly

"No, they're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out."

"Find out what?"

"They're screwing with the wrong people." Rick says

About 30 minutes later and we are making weapons

I didn't have much but I only needed my fists

"All right, got four of them pricks coming our way." Daryl informs us

"Y'all know what to do. Go for their eyes first. Then their throats"

*step step step*

I heard movement on the roof

*roof opens*



I dive


My ears are fucking hurting the screeching from that hurt in such a compact space made the boom worse

We all start coughing

I started to come to

The door opens and Glenn was gonna get taken

I kicked him out of the way and got taken for him

I come to and punch one square in the jaw

He gets flung

I stood up only to get hit in the back of the head


I get dragged into somewhere

I see my reflection off of a metal drainer thing


They fucking zipped my feet with zip ties to restrain me


I start breathing heavy

I try to put some resistance on my hands to rip the zip ties

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