Masked- Kenzi Ziegler

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//Kenzie can't tell you about being on the Masked Dancer//

//Y/N's POV//

You were tired of it. This was couldn't even remember how many times at this point. Kenzie had been out a lot lately, and she always said she was going to hang out with a friend. At this point, you were beginning to think that she wasn't being true to you. It was currently later at night, and you were waiting around for Kenzie. When you heard the door close, you got up from your spot on her bed, moving towards Kenzie quickly.

"Hey, how's your friend?" You asked as you folded your arms, Kenzie stuffing her keys in her purse and leaving it on the kitchen counter.

"It was good. Why do you ask?" Keeping this big of a secret from you was tearing her up inside, she couldn't do this for much longer. You moved to sit down on the couch, feeling yourself begin to crumble.

"...Do you not love me anymore?" It destroyed Kenzie when you muttered those words, quickly kneeling in front of you and pulling you into a hug. She felt your tears wetten her shirt and that only made her want to cry as well.

"No no no, baby. It's nothing like that at all, I promise." She slowly pulled away from the hug, gently wiping away your tears as you tried to figure it out.

"W-Well then, w-what is it? Why are you n-never around?" You sobbed as Kenzie tried to think of something reassuring, but there was no way she could keep this secret anymore. It was killing her, and you.

"Y/N. I'm not cheating on you, and I'm not going over to my friends all the time." You looked up at Kenzie as she sat on the couch next to you, gently grabbing your hand with both of hers.


"I haven't been going to my friends, and I have been lying to you and I'm sorry...I'm on the Masked Dancer. It's a new show that came out this year, and I'm not supposed to tell anyone. Not even I started saying I was going to my friends, and I didn't realize how much this was affecting you..I'm really sorry Y/N.." She mumbled as she gently gripped your hands, while you tried to figure this out.

"The Masked Dancer?" You uttered out quietly, trying to think of how Kenzie could've done something like that without you knowing.

"Yeah! Basically you're all dressed up in costume, they put a giant head on you and distort your voice. The judges have to guess who you are. And we're not supposed to tell anyone to keep the game alive, but I should've told you, I'm sorry I didn't.." She spoke as you slowly leaned against her, Kenzie wrapping her arms around you in a second.

"'re not meeting up with your friend? And I have nothing to worry about?" You asked as your tears started to dry, feeling much more reassured, even if you weren't fully convinced.

"Baby, you have no idea how crazy about you I am. Trust me, you have absolutely nothing to worry about." She spoke confidently, making your worries fly away.

"Okay, so..who are you on the Masked Dancer?" You asked as you looked up to Kenzie, looking up as she pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"That's classified information, angel face." She teased as you turned on the show, of course wanting to watch it if your girlfriend was on the show.

"Not even a hint?"

"Not a chance, gorgeous.."

//I thought this one was good, but idk if its my best//

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