Accident- Kendall K

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//You get in a car accident//

//Kendall's POV//

Y/N had just left from my place, since we had hung out for a little bit. Everything was perfect, your relationship was going great, you both were in a great mood. It seemed like nothing could go wrong...until Kendall got a call from an unknown number. Jill had told her many times not to answer those kinds of calls, but her gut was telling her to answer it. Kendall reached out a shaky hand, grabbing the phone and hitting answer. A woman was on the other end, and it was only making Kendall nervous.

"Hello? Is this Kendall Vertes?" She asked, sounding like she had something really important to say. Kendall got nervous really easy, her frantic nodding, her pacing and running her hand through her hair constantly.

"Y-Yeah, that's me. What's going on?" She asked, trying to act like her voice wasn't super shaky. Then she thought about you, and it only made her worse. She was biting at the nail on her thumb, waiting for the answer.

"Well, we have someone by the name of Y/N at the hospital, and they're in critical condition. You were on their speed dial so I assumed to-" The lady was cut off as Kendall hung up the phone, sprinting out of her room and down the stairs.

"Kendall, honey! What's wrong?" Jill yelled as she followed Kendall outside, where her car was already started and backing out of the driveway. She knew something was up.

"Call me!" She yelled, not wanting to stress Kendall out more than she seemed to be. Kendall had never driven so fast in her life. She was speeding the entire time, her knuckles white as she clutched the steering wheel. About ten minutes later, she was at the hospital, running inside as her heart ran a mile a minute. She ran up to the service desk, slamming her hand down as she was trying to catch her breath.

"Where's Y/N?" She asked, the lady trying to keep to her proto call. The lady turned around, tired of having to deal with people like this all day.

"Ma'am, if you would just calm down and fill out these papers-" She spoke as Kendall slammed her hand down again. There was no way she was doing anything before seeing you first.

"I don't have time for papers! Now where is Y/N?!" She asked a little more stern, the lady only pinching her nose as she let out a sigh.

"217 in the E.R." She spoke, and Kendall was off in an instant. Kendall felt tears coming up as she saw you. Your left arm and right leg were broken, you had bruises over your other two limbs and your ribs and head were both bandaged. Slowly, she moved closer to you, seeing your fragile state more with every step. It tore her to pieces to see you like this. Gently, she lightly placed her hand in yours, making you turn your head slowly as you gave her a weak smile. Her other hand moved to her mouth, trying to muffle her sobs as tears spilled down her cheeks. You gently ran your thumb over the back of her hand, trying to calm her down.

"Hey'll be okay..we'll get through this. We always do. Just don't cry for me, okay?" You asked weakly, having just woken up a few minutes before Kendall came in. She nodded quick, trying to stop her tears as her makeup was ruined beyond repair. Kendall went to go and talk to the doctor as you drifted back off to sleep, her tears slowly going away.

"How did this happen?" She asked the male, looking up to him as Kendall saw her mother walking down the hallway. Her attention went back to the doctor as he spoke.

"It was a head on collision with a drunken driver. Thankfully, Y/N is okay. The male is in custody now. Y/N should be able to go back home in a few days." He spoke, gently resting his hand on Kendall's shoulder as she looked to the ground and nodded, Jill moving to hug her. Even as far away as you were, and you thought you were asleep, you could hear Kendall's sobs into her mother's shoulder. And that was what hurt the most.

//I've been wanting to do this idea for a while, so I hope you guys like this! Thanks for reading!//

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