Solo Snatcher- Chloe Lukasiak

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//During the Irreplaceables for nationals, Jill gets into a fight with Christi and Chloe overhears//

//Y/N's POV//

You had been in the room when Christi and Jill had gotten into a fight, and really you weren't a person to pick sides. But the moment Jill said that Chloe didn't deserve a solo, that was where you stopped being quiet. Chloe was always an underdog, but you could not just stand by while another mother tore her down.

"Really, by the end of this, my kid will be the only kid without a solo from Cheryl Burke. Kendall should get a solo..maybe even more than Chloe.." She muttered out the last part, sending you and Christi off..but mostly you.

"Jill! Are you kidding? Why would you, a grown woman pick on a kid just to try and get your own daughter ahead?! News flash! It doesn't work!" You yelled and Jill was about to talk when you stuck your pointer finger up.

"Don't even start with me Jill. I don't need to hear your sorry, pity party excuses." You spoke, packing up your stuff, which was just your jacket and phone.

"Now I'm gonna go and check on my girlfriend cause I know darn well she heard what came outta your filthy mouth." You spat at her before leaving, seeing Chloe's crying and shaking body outside the door. Dropping everything, you hugged her quick, sitting down and letting her sit in your lap, just letting her cry it all out. Your heart broke seeing Chloe break down like this, it completely tore you up.

"Shhh baby..don't let her win. You're better than her.." You mumbled into her ear, gently pulling away and wiping away her tears, making your own tear up at her broken expression.

"You know what you have to do?" You asked, Chloe shaking her head no as you peppered kisses all over her face until she laughed, making you really happy.

"You gotta go out there, and prove Jill wrong. Prove Abby wrong. And make Kendall happy that you got the solo and rocked it better than anyone ever could. Make it your best solo you've ever done." You spoke, Chloe nodding as she smiled. Chloe gently pressed your lips together, using it as a thank you. You pulled away, giving her one last kiss before recollecting yourself.

"I love you too, but here probably isn't the place." You teased, making Chloe go red as you booped her nose. Just then, Cheryl came out looking for Chloe, both of you getting up and walking Chloe back into the practice room. That was when you saw Jill walk in, going straight to Cheryl. You knew what this was gonna be.

"Cheryl, hi. Listen, is there any possible way Kendall could get a solo at nationals?" She asked, you moved to peck Chloe's cheek, then looking into her eyes with a serious look.

"Give 'em hell." You teased, then moving past to go past Jill, you only scoffed as you watched Jill's desperate attempt to get Kendall a solo.

"Get a life, Jill." You spoke a little harsh, and Chloe burst out snickering. And after that remark Jill made, she had it coming, and not one mother scolded you for standing up for the one you loved. Christi actually high fived you!

//I hope this is good! Hope you like it!//

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