Be Happy- Kenzie Ziegler

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//You find Kenzie in a bad place listening to Be Happy by Dixie D'Amelio//

//Y/N's POV//

You and Kenzie were supposed to hang out today, but all the smiles were gone once Melissa opened the door and shook her head no. She was trying to be nice, but it wasn't a matter to be nice about.

"I'm sorry Y/N, but Mackenzie isn't feeling too good today. Maybe you could stop by another time." She spoke, offering you a small smile as Maddie appeared behind her, shaking her head in protest.

"No, let Y/N in. After all, Y/N is probably the only one that could talk to Kenz right now. It's at least worth a shot." She spoke, taking your hand and bringing you upstairs, you could hear music blasting inside her room and Maddie stopped you just before you went inside.

"She has days like this...It hits her really hard when it does happen. careful with her. She's in a really fragile state. She won't even let me in." She spoke as Maddie looked to you, giving her hands a gentle squeeze before you knocked on Kenzie's door, trying to give her a little heads up before barging in. Turning the knob slowly, you walked into her room. Her fairy lights were on the blue setting, tissues were scattered all over her bed and floor, Be Happy by Dixie D'Amelio blasting throughout her entire room..but her sobs were louder. You ran to your girlfriend, gently grabbing her hand as you watched her look up at you. Her face was full of tears, her eyes were bloodshot and she looked so broken, you couldn't hold back a tear falling.

"Goodness...Kenz..what's the matter?" You asked, sitting down next to her as she hugged you tight, crying into your shoulder. You slowly laid down on her bed, letting Kenzie get comfortable and take her time before saying anything.

"I-I-I...I d-don't know!" She exclaimed as she only cried more, and you decided to stop asking questions. Reassurance was what Kenzie needed, and that was what you were gonna give her. You gently rubbed her back, trying to soothe Kenzie to calm her.

"Just try and relax baby. I'm here. I'm right here. And I'll be right by your side." You spoke, gently stroking her hair, stopping as she looked up to you.

"P-Promise?" She asked as you smiled, pressing a gentle and loving kiss to her forehead before nodding.


//Sorry this one is so depressing, but I liked it! Let me know what you think!//

Dance Moms ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora